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This research paper transpires the importance of planning from the Islamic viewpoint. Planning was also kept in view when this universe was being created. Planning is of unique importance even today. ... Read More

In fact, Religion Islam is a complete code of life and its teachings are forever. They leave undying brunt on human beings directly or indirectly towards its spiritual as well as material purification ... Read More

The variety and difference in natural capabilities of a nation can be observed in their conversational skills. If the mental level of an individual has properly grown up, his power of expression, voca ... Read More

The interfaith dialogue has a very intricacy in its terminology. The interfaith dialogue changes with the passage of time. So getting the fruitful result is impossible unless & until the clear definit ... Read More

Qur’an and prophetic traditions (Hadith) are the fundamental sources of Islam. Muslims believe that Qur’an is the word of God (Allah). Hadith (Prophet’s Sayings, actions and silent approval and disapp ... Read More

Allah is pure and accept that which is pure, so, in reason of it, Allah has commanded his believers as he has commanded his messengers. Allah said that eat of the good things and do good deeds and He ... Read More

This article focuses on the various aspects of Khushal's mystical poetry. Khushal was well-read and had a lot of scholarly exposure. He also spent time in the company of great scholars. All these fact ... Read More

Islam is a global religion and has provided a comprehensive code of life applicable in every age. Economy is one of its foremost priorities and gives basic principles to its followers to exercise a le ... Read More

Elm-ul-Fawasil (Intespace) is the knowledge of the leading verses of the Quran. To inquire the numer of verses, interspace is the main objective of this knowledge. We have so far considered the miracu ... Read More

Allah, Himself took the responsibility to protect the Quran. Hadith for the sake of safety of the Quran must also be protected. That is why as a prominent Al-Umma scholars created principles to set Se ... Read More

Islam which is considered the religion and code of life of humanity is also the fore runner of the women rights.it not only restored their last glory as the sacred mother, daughter, wife and sister bu ... Read More

This paper attempts to analyze the Status of Humanity in religion. “Humanity" has a high status in religion because ALLAH created each and every thing for "Human". Man is called "Amir of Universe" or ... Read More

Takaful is the name of alternative system of Conventional Insurance. It deals with the mutual cooperation among all human beings in the society. In Takaful, the frame work of conventional insurance ha ... Read More

Wisdom is a great blessing of Allah that He has gifted man with. On the basis of this wisdom Allah has given man honor and priority over other beings. Only wise person can be the follower of Sharia de ... Read More

This research is about the effect of text meaning on the constitutional rule that related to the Islamic Sharia principles.The Islamic Sharia principles are the source of legislation in the Arab const ... Read More

Islam is a complete code of life and dominant upon all the faculties of life .Along with creed faith and worship, Islam has emphasized on the affairs of daily life. In the connotation of affairs all t ... Read More

The Oneness of Allah is the most important belief in the Islamic faith. Allah SWT is one in His Self, His attributes, and His acts. His self is neither composite nor divisible in any way. The effort t ... Read More

The main objective of the Quranic exegesis is to Cognizance of the extracting the orders. Through the "Transcribed Method” cognizance of exegesis can be made easily, because "Transcribed Method” is ba ... Read More

Mannerism deals with inner-self and or how to achieve goals in life. It brings harmony in physical and spiritual attributes of a person. As Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) was an excellent example due to His ... Read More

Wealth in history is remembered in the name of the Abbasid’s, golden era. In this era of economic and intellectual empire blossomed in every way. Edit the narration started and completion is the resul ... Read More

Electronic media has been vital in shaping human behavior of an entity according to the defined national needs and interests. The western media in general and electronic media in particular has played ... Read More

In Sciences of Hadith Modhog") refer to the narrations originating from some narrators by self or from those narrators who had been found,with solid arguments, telling a lie rather than from other wel ... Read More

Hadith and Science of Hadith are the terms used by specialists of Hadith known as Mohaditeen. A hadith is a recorded statement, action or approval of the Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W). It is considered as ... Read More

The extract is that the plastic surgery is legitimate for medical treatment. Any kind of transformation in the creation of Allah is illegitimate. For women the removal of extra hair the usage of diffe ... Read More