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The procedure setfor mediafion analysis in the Baron and Ken- ny's (1986) classical research article did not go without criti- cism (MacKinnon and Fairchild, 2009; Hayes, 2009; Bullock, Green, & Ha ... Read More

The main objective of this study has been to investigate whether augmenting service sector GDP can increase exports and imports or augmenting exports and imports accelerate service sector GDP. The ... Read More

This study evaluates the relationship between real exchange rate and trade balance prevailed in Pakistan during the 19B5- 2010 period. Engel Granger residual based and Johansen Juselius tests have bee ... Read More

A number of tries helped estimate a regression model, speci- fying short run and long run relationship between foreign direct investments (FDIs) and its two major determinants, namely trade openness a ... Read More

This study uses a randomly selected sample of 100 female employees of telecommunication sector of Rawalpindi-lslam- abad area and tries to analyze whether government policies and private sector human ... Read More

This study uses a randomly selected sample of 100 female employees of telecommunication sector of Rawalpindi-lslam- abad area and tries to analyze whether government policies and private sector human ... Read More

This study examines the impact of dividend announcement on stock returns of 30 non-financial sector companies listed on Karachi Stock Exchange. Daily stock returns have been used, covering period from ... Read More

This study is an attempt to understand and analyze the at- titudes and behaviors of Pakistani employees and workers towards adoption of spiritual values for enhancing their pro- ductivity and in order ... Read More

This study analyses weekly stock indices for ten equity markets of Asia pacific region for the period January 1, 2001 to June 30, 2013 to explore the long run relationship among Karachi stock exchange ... Read More

This study examines the impact of terrorist activities and regime in Pakistan on the return and volatility dynamics of the financial markets in Pakistan between year 2000 and 2010. The study construct ... Read More

The main purpose of this study is to examine the impact of the corporate governance mechanism on firm performance. The variable employed in this study to measure firm performance, is return on assets. ... Read More

The purpose of conducting this study is to analyze the impact of Work-Family conflict versus Family-Work conBict on employee's organizational commitment.The moderating role of collectivism on the rela ... Read More

Organizations are changing the way they do business due to the competitiveness and dynamism of the business environment. Measuring customer satisfaction is a major concern of any industry to excel. H ... Read More

This study attempts to investigate the relationship between impression management and organizational citizenship behavior using the theoretical underpinning provided by “Theory of Others Orientation” ... Read More

Army Public College of Management & Sciences (APCOMS), Rawalpindi, Pakistan ABSTRACT The principal objective of this study is to identify and evaluate the potential solutions to the problems in the tr ... Read More

Brand managers seeking for a loyal customer base need to build an emotional connection between the brand and consumers (Brady et al., 2004) particularly in a marketplace defined by heightened competit ... Read More