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A 60 days growth experiment was conducted on common carp (Cyprinus carpio) fingerlings fed with different diets having natural antioxidants i.e., vitamin A, vitamin E & commercially available vitami ... Read More

The study was conducted to investigate the fodder quality of four maize cultivars; DK919, 30R50, 31R88 and 6621 as influenced by harvest time at Agronomic Research Area of University of Sargodha. Ma ... Read More

Response of various post emergence herbicides at different levels i.e. round up was applied as 4.75 lha-1, 2.75 L ha-1 and 1.75 L ha-1 (Glyphosat), Gramaxone 20EC (Paraquat) as 2.55 lha-1 and untrea ... Read More

This study was undertaken with the aim of analysing some morphological parameters, screening of important phytochemical compounds and the activity of Aloe vera leaf extracts against two fungal speci ... Read More

In this paper we studied the isolation and identification of phytoplankton from aquatic ecosystems of Lampung Mangroves Center (LMC) as biology feed. The analysis of sea water quality parameters in ... Read More

This study was carried out to ascertain tick infestation of goats (Capra aegagrus hircus) grown in a small private farm in San Jose del Monte, Bulacan, Central Luzon, Philippines. Prevalence of infe ... Read More

Some fungi associate with fruit and dead or dying plant tissues as pathogen on a wide range of agricultural plants. This work comprised the isolation, identification and pathogenic assay from citrus ... Read More

To study the pollinator community of radish (Raphanus sativus L.) and the best pollinators for radish production in terms of their foraging behavior, an experiment was performed at the research farm ... Read More

The present study was conducted in Bahawalpur, which is characterized by extremely dry and harsh desert conditions with very little rainfall and water availability. Due to less availability of water ... Read More

This study assessed the economic impacts of direct seeding of rice as an alternative crop establishment method for farmers in Samaru, Zaria in the Northern Guinea Savanna of Nigeria. Specifically, i ... Read More

This paper reports the release of new variety “Rohi Sarsoon” which is high yielding with erect growth habits. This variety was released in the year 2016 for arid and irrigated areas of agricultural ... Read More

Beekeepers in Syria have reported higher-than-usual colony losses in the last 8 years. These elevated losses average is more than 20% nationally. This study aimed to detect seven honeybee viruses in ... Read More

Commensal rodents are serious pests of household food storage items and cause significant losses to the farming community in many parts of the world including Pakistan. The aim of this study was to ... Read More

The present study was aimed to determine the population characteristics of the House shrew, Suncus murinus, in rural commensal habitats of Pothwar, Pakistan. The trapping campaign was conducted in f ... Read More

Using second generation of biofuel that does not affect food crop production is an issue of global concern. Remote sensing (RS) proved to be efficient technique for inventory and monitoring the spat ... Read More

In vitro study was conducted to evaluate the effect of fourteen selected pesticides including six fungicides, four insecticides and four herbicides on the growth of a local strain of Trichoderma har ... Read More

In most of the countries, agriculture is until now, one of the most important sectors. In general, farmers usually carry out heavy physical activities for the long duration. We aim to explain the co ... Read More

Pollutants from industrial waste can pollute the river water and have a negative impact in estuary ecosystem, changes in heavy metal content. One of the industries whose waste contains heavy metals ... Read More

The objective of this study was to evaluate quantity and quality of Mimosa pigra as dairy feed. Parts of Mimosa pigra including leaf, leaf with rachis, and seed pods were determined for yield, nutri ... Read More

This paper documents the richness of parasites inhabiting Rattus tanezumi and Rattus norvegicus. Rattus spp. revealed six ectoparasites, namely: mites genus Chirodiscoides, and Radfordia ensifera, L ... Read More

This paper reviews the importance of honey bee as pollinator of agriculture crops, fruit, vegetables, seeds etc. and losses in agriculture, honey bee and honey production due to use of chemical pest ... Read More

Chromium is one of the widely used heavy metal used on industrial scale and is root cause of a number of health related problems in humans as well as animals. Chromium not only release into environm ... Read More

The studies were conducted to compare the hygienic and grooming behavior of honey bees (Apis mellifera Ligustica) headed by new (0-year) and old queens (1-year) against Varroa mites at Apiculture Re ... Read More

In this study we used dried leaf powders of five plants i.e., Syzygium cumini, Citrus limon, Momordica charantia, Eucalyptus globulus and Piper nigrum against Callosobruchus chinensis infesting chic ... Read More

Macrophomina phaseolina is the devastating fungus of many crops. For this study, infected maize samples were collected from four districts (Kasur, Okara, Sahiwal and Pakpatan). Twenty-four isolates ... Read More

Legumes (pulses) are ancient crops of the Sub-continent, Middle East and various parts of the Africa. These provide high quality protein and considered to be the best food for vegetarian population ... Read More

Psyllid species, Diaphorina citri Kuwayama, 1907 is reported for the first time on a new host plant, Murraya sp. from different areas of Rawalpindi and Islamabad. Details regarding synonyms, descrip ... Read More

New distributional records of Tetraponera rufonigra (Jerdon) from Gilgit Baltistan during 2016, Pakistan are provided. It was first reported in1961 from Lahore (capital city of Punjab Province), Pak ... Read More

Purpose: This study was conducted during September 2015-August 2016 to know the perception of people living in expansive territory of district Buner, KP Pakistan on CC. Methodology: Sample size of 3 ... Read More

Citrus is the second largest fruit produced in the world and Pakistan is among the 12 large producers of the citrus fruit. It is grown in tropical and subtropical climate all over the world. Besides ... Read More

A feeding trial was done to determine the best level of supplementation of cassava leaf meal (CLM) on the growth, productivity and egg quality of Dekalb layers at Salikneta Farm, San Jose del Monte, ... Read More

Study was conducted to test four insecticides, profenofos, emamectin benzoate, λ-cyhalothrin and lufenuron against two field populations of Plutella xylostella and Spodoptera litura at different lar ... Read More

Arsenic is natural metalloid which is present in the universe everywhere. It is used for different insecticides and pesticides preparation. Poisoning of arsenic is a major issue that affects differe ... Read More

Annona muricata L. (Annonaceae family) is a tropical plant and most prominently known for its edible fruit which has more medicinal properties but some effects are toxic. This review most commonly r ... Read More

Psyllid species, Trioza fletcheri minor Crawford, 1912 is reported for the first time in association with two ant species, Camponotus compressus (Fabricius, 1787) and Lepisiota frauenfeldi (Mayr, 18 ... Read More

Epidemiology of a foot-and-mouth disease (FMD) was studied at Landhi Dairy Colony (LDC), Karachi, Pakistan and its economic impact was assessed. Of 4528 buffaloes surveyed, 3.6% animals were infecte ... Read More

Heavy metal contamination of the soil environment has become a major source of concern and has posed serious human health related problems in many developing countries particularly Pakistan. Chemica ... Read More

Mungbean yellow mosaic virus (MYMV) is an important production constraint in mungbean cultivation in Pakistan. The yield further decreases if susceptible varieties are cultivated. By using cultivars ... Read More