This research work is intended to trace and evaluate the significant and noteworthy Fatāwā on Human Cloning issued by the distinguished institutions in the world. The Muslim jurists and scientists have been striving to understand the scientific and biological nature of human cloning in order to better evaluate it from the jurisprudential point of view. Fatāwā of the Muslim institutions on human cloning offer valuable wisdom and reasoning for the followers and guide them in this regards. To conduct this research work the prominent Fatāwā issued by the imminent institutions all over the world have been gathered first, then a critical appraisal is made in order to make them understandable for the followers and highlight the loopholes for the future researches and Fatāwā. It has been observed that despite a good research on the biomedical nature of human cloning most of the Fatāwā fail to differentiate between the reproductive and therapeutic forms of cloning, which are considered to be the most important kinds of human cloning. The reproductive cloning is declared prohibited by majority of the Sunnī theology based institutions whereas the Shī„ah and Sunnī schools also come with a lot of difference of opinion from jurisprudential and logical perspectives of the issue.

Dr. Shaiza Kiyani, Yasir Munir, Sohaib Ahmed Hashmi . (2020) A CRITICAL EVALUATION OF THE FATAWA ON HUMAN CLONING, Epistemology: Journal of Islamic Studies, Volume 7, Volume 2.
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