The city of Sibi was very important in history of Balochistan, it was commercial and cultured city of the Baloch, this city continued as the supreme eminent capital of Mir Chakar Rind, who has kept up his grand courtyard along with barbarous and the deluxe tradition manifestation of feudal excitement. Rind capital appeared as the main city of Balochistan similarly the center of cultures and tradition. Ancient tradition speaks that Sibi has honorable status. Few historians, deliberately ignored this important rule of the Baloch in Sibi, he has been ignored in his book. This article is focusing on the Baloch role in Sibi; it is an important part of Baloch history. This article is an effort to prove Baloch rule, in 15th century in Sibi, and also that they were independent ruler of Balochistan, but few historians have rejected these views and references about a Baloch rule in Sibi. This article reviews the research of the Baloch government on Sibi. Through the article, efforts have been made to clear up any misunderstandings; Sibi was ruled by a central Baloch government. According to historians and writers support, references and discussions, I tried to narrate it in detail. This article is the backbone of the Baloch rule in Sibi. The aim of this research article is to clear the confusion about Mir Chakar Rind rule in Sib through research.

Zahid Hussain Dashti, Durdana. (2019) THE BALOCH RULE IN SIBI, Hankén , Volume 11, Issue 1.
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