Balochi Language belongs to the Iranian group of the Indo European Language family. Balochi is a North Western Iranian Language, but is nowadays spoken in the south western corner of Iranian Linguistic area. Balochi is the language of the Baloch people. The great majority of whom live in the Balochistan province of the Pakistan, a considerable number also lives in the Punjab and Sindh, a large group live in Karachi, Pakistan, as well as in south east Iran in the province of Sistan-o-Balochistan, a small group in Helmand and Nemroz provinces of Afghanistan, Gulf States and south parts Mari province in Turkmenistan. Balochi has a great similarity with the Iranian branch of the Indo European language family , the most related language to Balochi from this group are Kurdish , Lori , Dari and other north west Iranian languages , Persian , Pashto , Tajiki , Soghdi and other east Iranian language.

Dr. Ramzan Bamri, Dr. Liaqat Suni. (2017) بلوچی لبزانکءردوم, Hankén , Volume 9, Issue 1.
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