This research analyses the western influences of Romanticism and Fauvism on late Tanweer Murshad’s landscape paintings. As a postcolonial artist, he lived and worked in Lahore, Tanweer Murshad’s biography and artistic point of view is discussed in this paper. The western inspirations regarding the use of medium and techniques of landscape painting is also addressed in detail. Two landscape paintings are chosen to make a comparative analysis, one from 19thcentury Romantic Artist Turner and other from early 20th century Fauvist Andre Derain. The comparison explains about the similarities or dissimilarities in style of painting, compositions and subject matter. The change of methods, historical and social aspects of the works are also discoursed. The paper is an effort to explore western impact on postcolonial landscape painting in subcontinent by Tanweer Murshad. It paves a way to look for more western inspirations in the artworks produced in postcolonial period in Lahore. The postcolonial reading to discover the influence of Western hegemony on landscapes painting is analysed. This research is based on qualitative aspects, visual observation and analysis.

Syed Farjood Ailya Rizvi, Rafia Tahir , Faiqa Butt. (2020) Western influences on Postcolonial Artist Tanweer Murshad’s Art , Journal of Pakistan Vision, Volume 21, Issue 1.
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