This paper intends to study the formal academic training and learning system which is followed by secondary education and is referred as higher education. Higher education influences individuals bo ... Read More

Petty or low level corruption is far more harmful and much more frequent as compared to mega corruption (Faisal and Jafri, 2017).It results in the ferocious effects on the economy of any country al ... Read More

The Sikhs were the integral part of Punjab politics especially after Montague- Chelmsford reforms. They although had joint political venture with the Unionist Party of Punjab but later on during the ... Read More

Money laundering is involved forthe method of disguising the original ownerships income and circulated in a manner to finally be the part of legitimate source. It is a criminal Act and hiding of il ... Read More

The study is designed to explore teachers’ conceptions of learning and their impact on students’ academic achievement at secondary level. Conceptions of learning scale was used to collect data from ... Read More

The notion has developed that inclination of the students towards politics keep them away from the academic activity. Political trends among the students promote atrocities, torture, kidnapping and ... Read More

The genre cinema in the context of South Asian cinema can be categorized with two broader terms: indigenous and nonindigenous. Indigenous genres are produced by local culture, folklore and myth wher ... Read More

This study scrutinizes the impact of caste and Baradri system on voting behavior evolving from Pakistan’s general elections of 2018. Traditionally, the caste and Baradari system have been playing a ... Read More

The research has explored the political strategies of General ZiaulHaq he adopted to legitimize the power as a ruler of Pakistan in late 1970s and in the first phase of 1980s. It explains how Zia e ... Read More

A glance over the map of Punjab and northern India shows an interesting feature, that of the five rivers flowing through the province like five fingers of a hand.1 In the high mountains, the finger ... Read More

Nowadays, climate change is the global phenomena and extensively resrached worldwide .However, it is agreed upon to be caused by both natural and anthropogenic drivers such as land use changes, def ... Read More

The journalistic life in Pakistan is always on high risk as journalists are shot dead, tortured and stabbed during the course of duty. Almost all stakeholders of society remain mum over grave situa ... Read More

This paper argues that the desire to outline an ideal state, by philosophers, is also a desire to give political legitimacy to such a state or rulers who evoke their ideal. In this way, article surv ... Read More

The study focuses on theconstitutional,political, strategic and economic dimensions of Gilgit-Baltistan. With an analysis of the history and constitutional development, the Presidential Order 2009 ... Read More

The present research paper aims to explore that weather women are empowered through their familial right of inheritance in Rawalpindi District. What are various dimensions and recent trends in the ... Read More

Immunization is one of the most cost-effective interventions of Public Health in reducing global child morbidity, mortality and lifetime disabilities. Despite immunization programme being in place ... Read More

Kartarpur, about 118 kilometers (73 miles) from Lahore in Narowal district, lies on the banks of the Ravi River. It is where Guru Nanak, the founder of the 5th largest religion of the world, Sikhis ... Read More

Almost 60 % of the Muslims of the world live in countries where they form the majority of population with their own governments. Thus most of the academic works by and about Muslims have tended to ... Read More

Provision of notice for ‘talaq/divorce’ by either of the spouse for the purpose of effecting reconciliation between the parties by an arbitration council is a contentious issue in the Pakistani Law. ... Read More

Despite the centrality of abortion as an option for fertility control it remains severely under-studied partly due to the fact that it is illegal and socially unaccepted. The present study was condu ... Read More

This article deals with the pre-colonial situation of education in Punjab before its annexation in 1849. The centuries old indigenous educational system was functional and prevalent among the nativ ... Read More

Tackling with the recent yet prolonged wave of terrorism Pakistan security forces have introduced and implemented a multiple of operational strategies, one upon and another. Since 2001 to counter t ... Read More

No country is free of prejudices; certain groups of its own citizens are discriminated against. Still, at the very least this is normally deprecated officially and, as in some countries, one sees ge ... Read More

Constitutional provisions in the Constitution of Islamic Republic of Pakistan, 1973 relating to judiciary necessitate changes in the light of equity, justice, fairplay and fundamental rights enshrin ... Read More

The purpose of this study is to analyse the effects of the two major factors of terrorism and political instability on Pakistan’s economy. Pakistan’s involvement in US war with Afghanistan along wi ... Read More

In this paper, I have analyzed The Heart Divided by Mumtaz Shah Nawaz through the postcolonial lens to trace the trajectory of the resistance of Muslim woman in the public sphere. The story revolve ... Read More

In the 21st century, the world has become a global village that is more interdependent and interconnected than ever. Economic, political and security situation of one country has an undeniable impa ... Read More

Politics in Dera Ghazi Khan has been affected by the biradri element since British period and it still exists with its all odds and effects in the region. District D.G. Khan is supervised mainly by ... Read More

This study attempts to understand the dynamics of the CentrePunjab relation from 2018-2013 which are of immense importance because during this period PPP was in power in the centre and PMLN dominate ... Read More

Good governance plays a vital role in uplifting and ameliorating the livelihood, lifestyle and life standard of citizens. But, unfortunately, it has been one of the biggest concerns in Pakistan sin ... Read More

Good governance plays a vital role in uplifting and ameliorating the livelihood, lifestyle and life standard of citizens. But, unfortunately, it has been one of the biggest concerns in Pakistan sin ... Read More

CPEC has been declared as one of the key projects under the One Belt One Road plan of China. Estimates reflect that this project would aid in the economic growth of the entire region, affecting a p ... Read More

This paper contributes to a new construct Brand Engagement in Self-Concept (BESC) in Pakistani consumer market. The purpose of the study was to analyze if Self Brand Connection (SBC) and BESC coexi ... Read More

This research analyses the western influences of Romanticism and Fauvism on late Tanweer Murshad’s landscape paintings. As a postcolonial artist, he lived and worked in Lahore, Tanweer Murshad’s bi ... Read More

Liaquat Ali Khan, the First Prime Minister of Pakistan, was a close associate of Quaid-i-Azam Mohammad Ali Jinnah in the struggle for Pakistan. He was born into the Nawab family of the Punjab and t ... Read More

The China in a larger perspective to connect herself with the regional countries and as well as to the entire glob, has initiated the centuries mega project called “Belt and Road Initiative.” China ... Read More

Pakistan was going through a very crucial period in the context of the August 17, 1988 incident in which President General Zia ul Haq along with American Ambassador and top brass military officers l ... Read More

Primary focus of the study is to dig out the challenges that are faced by the electronic media channels. Administration of channels faces the ban on transmission while Journalists are murdered by t ... Read More

This paper intends to study the formal academic training and learning system which is followed by secondary education and is referred as higher education. Higher education influences individuals bo ... Read More


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