CPEC has been declared as one of the key projects under the One Belt One Road plan of China. Estimates reflect that this project would aid in the economic growth of the entire region, affecting a population of over 4 billion across more than 60 countries. In the context of Pakistan, opportunities linked with CPEC are estimated to be up to $62 billion. CPEC is likely to result in a high number of employment opportunities ranging from 600,000 to 1,000,000 between 2015 and 2030. In order to cater to the needs associated with these projects, a well-equipped and skilled workforce is required. For that matter, major attention is required to address issues related to Human Resource Development (HRD) that must be in line with the historical perspective of HRD. Nevertheless, not just CPEC, a national level HRD policy that covers the analysis of current and required workforce and the knowledge, skills, and abilities they require is of great significance. A policy that integrates the HRD with national development goals is of dire significance. Moreover, this study contributes to highlighting and addressing challenges and opportunities related to HRD in the light of historical perspective of CPEC and HRD.

Kashif Rathore, Mukaram Ali Khan. (2020) Challenges and Opportunities of China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) for Pakistan: A Human Resource Development (HRD) Perspective (1970s to 2018) , Journal of Pakistan Vision, Volume 21, Issue 1.
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