The journalistic life in Pakistan is always on high risk as journalists are shot dead, tortured and stabbed during the course of duty. Almost all stakeholders of society remain mum over grave situation in a context wherein journalists are helpless, ill equipped and insecure, especially job satisfaction is a major concern. The number of affected journalists especially the death toll is rising with each passing day. This study is aimed to investigate the phenomenon and ascertain reasons why journalists are under constant threat in Pakistan? In-spite of hundreds of incidents targeting the media officials, no dedicated study to understand the threat perception and a response thereto has been conducted at any level in Pakistan yet. Accordingly, in order to collect data the reliance regarding data collection for this study has been made on press clippings, government reportsand other available information with the approach of content analysis. Albeit, this is an embryonic effort to identify the issues and challenges posing threat to working journalists but it will further pave the way to understand the complexity of issue in the times to come. The study can be expanded further basing on the preliminary study, a comprehensive and workable plan can be orchestrated for the safety and security of not only the media officials but also of media houses in Pakistan in future by promising researchers.

Taimoor-Ul-Hassan , Liaqat Ali Malik , Jam Sajjad Hussain. (2020) Crime against Media Personnel and Threats to Media Houses in Pakistan: A Journalistic Perspective, Journal of Pakistan Vision, Volume 21, Issue 1.
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