Constitutional provisions in the Constitution of Islamic Republic of Pakistan, 1973 relating to judiciary necessitate changes in the light of equity, justice, fairplay and fundamental rights enshrined in the constitution of Pakistan so that cherished goal of freedom & justice to people of Pakistan comes in real terms. The purpose of this paper is to propose constitutional reforms pertaining to judiciary so that the constitutional provisions are inconsonance with dictates of justice, equity and fair-play and do not smack unsavory framework. The methodology employed is comparison with other provisions of the constitution particularly on fundamental rights, principles of policy and preamble to the constitution to underscore constitutional changes. Findings of the study call for constitutional amendments’. The research is only focused on the study of constitution of Pakistan and doesn’t undertake a comparative analysis. The results strength mandate constitutional amendments in the basic scheme of the constitution concerning judiciary. Such an exercise has not been undertaken before and is a new addition to the scholarly literature on the subject.

Usman Quddus, Muhammad Arif Khan. (2020) Constitutional Provisions Necessitating Change: Proposals for Reform in the Constitution of Pakistan Concerning Judiciary, Journal of Pakistan Vision, Volume 21, Issue 1.
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