Tackling with the recent yet prolonged wave of terrorism Pakistan security forces have introduced and implemented a multiple of operational strategies, one upon and another. Since 2001 to counter the ever escalating war of terrorism a number of military operations are conducted from area to area seeking and destroying the militants along with their hideouts. After a series of counter terror strikes, the final blow to terrorists took place in the form of operation Zarb-e-Azb. The said operation differed not only in its chronological order but also in its strategy to operate as well as in the objectives outlined. The current Paper is dedicated towards studying the operational formulation of operation Zarb-e-Azb and how the notion of being a comprehensive CT model changed its effectiveness from the previous ones.And lastly theunprecedented objective of “total elimination of terrorism” unlike previous operations is the focus of paper.

Urwa Elahi , Umbreen Javaid. (2020) Operation Zarb e Azb: A Decisive Strike , Journal of Pakistan Vision, Volume 21, Issue 1.
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