The notion has developed that inclination of the students towards politics keep them away from the academic activity. Political trends among the students promote atrocities, torture, kidnapping and murder. These were the factors that urged General Zia-ul-Haq to impose ban on political activities in educational campuses. It became a state narrative during 1977-1988. Afterwards, the counter narrative was developed which justified the student politics. But undue interference of the political parties in student politics and draconian laws of the university administrations did not provide them space to flourish. From last few months, the efforts for the revival of student unions have started. This paper analyses those efforts in context of student solidarity march and the resistance which was faced by the participatory students and their leadership. It also elaborates the ideological impact on student politics. A survey was conducted to understand student’s perspective on revival of student politics in educational institutions. Interviews of the students were conducted. What was the response of the political leadership on demands of the students? It is descriptive and analytical study.

Abdul Qadir Mushtaq , Nasir Amir, Fariha Sohil , Zil-e-Huma Rafique, Muhammad Abrar Ahmad . (2020) History of Student Politics and Its Revival in Pakistan , Journal of Pakistan Vision, Volume 21, Issue 1.
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