This research aims to know the perception of English language learners about the usage of English language learning motivational strategies. The study site of this descriptive and quantitative study is South Punjab Pakistan. Saraiki, Punjabi and Urdu speakers were the participants. Two thousand and eighty-nine participants took part in this research. After a pilot testing, the questionnaire of Cheng and Dornyei (2007), with certain modifications, was employed to collect data. Twelve (12) macro strategies having fifty-three micro strategies in them were part of this motivational strategy. The quantitative data, collected through the questionnaire, were analysed using standardized z score. Statistical measures, mean and standardized z score, were used for analysis. The results show variations in the perception regarding the usage of EFL motivational strategies among the speakers of Punjabi, Saraiki and Urdu in South Punjab. Diversified choices of the EFL motivational strategies were revealed among the speakers of these languages. On macro strategy level, Urdu speakers’ perspective is more similar to international research than that of the Saraiki and Punjabi perspectives. The research concludes that language context plays an important role in the choices of EFL motivational strategies.

Syed Alamdar Nabi, Abdul Qadir Khan,  Nasir Abbas Syed. (2019) A Comparative Study of Usage of EFL Motivational Strategies, The ELF Annual Research Journal, Volume 21, Issue 1.
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