The book has made a reasonable contribution by providing political, social and economic reasoning for: (1) those structural changes which took place, and (2) some stnictural changes which did not take place; in the last fifty years in Pakistan. The book covers all economic and related issues quite comprehensively. However, some topics are covered in depth white going through some others, the readers remains dissatisfied and ends up with many questions in mind. Some important topics like interregional disparities and inter-provincial fiscal relations are not dis-cussed at all. The book is divided into three parts. Part 1 is of an introductory nature and gives an overview and summary of findings. Part IT deals with traditional topics and is further divided into two sections. Section A contain two papers covering macro debate on Pakistan's economy, while section B consists of five papers cov-erii.ki important issues and different sectors. Part III of the book contains four papers on the contemporary issues of Pakistan economy. In section A of part 11, two prominent economists: Nadeem ul Hague and laved Akber Ansari have tried to cover macro debate on Pakistan's economy.. Nadeem Sti Hague felt that the secular macroeconomic variables like lack of education, lack of institutional reforms, inconsistencies in the reforms, poor governance, weak ad-ministra.tion and corruption are the main deterrninants of poor performance in Paid-stan during the last fifty years. Nadeem ul Hague who advocates liberalized private sector suggests that liberalization of economic policies and consistency in these policies are the panacea of Pakistan's economic problems.

Qazi Masood AHMED. (1998) BOOK REVIEWS – Shahrukh Rafi Khan (Editor), 50 Years of Pakistan’s Economy: Traditional Topics and Contemporary Concerns (1999), pp.499 (Oxford University Press)., Pakistan Journal of Applied Economics, Volume-14, Issue-1.
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