Ethical Vices in Divine Books (Quran & Bible): A Comparative Study Morality implies values that distinguish between good and bad behavior. Divine religions have private behavioral value frameworks that are intended to guide followers in determining between right and wrong. Moral values are important in life because: If a person has never learned about moral values then how can he/she decide between the good and the bad. Moral values reflect an individual's character and spirituality. They help in building good relationships in personal as well as professional lives. In this article comparative study of ethical vices’ in light of divine books has been conducted. While doing so the behaviors like Pretention, Miserly, scrooge, Exuberance, Slandering, to lie, Faults/ Curiosity, make fun etc. are being discussed and analyzed in order to highlight the moral teachings of the divine books. Texts from Torah, Psalm, Gospels and Quran on these vices are studied and analyzed. Study shows that divine books other than Quran have discussed immoral or wicked behavior briefly and just point out the vices but Quran and Sunnah discussed in detail about wicked behavior and also educate about the strategies that can steer you away from temptations and vices. Thus, the Qur’ᾱnic laws and injunctions make our life good and purposeful in this world and hereafter.

Abdul Hameed Arain. (2019) الہامی کتب (تورات،زبور،انجیل ا ور قرآن) میں وارد اخلاقی رزائل کا تقابلی مطالعہ, Al-Milal: Journal of Religion and Thought, Volume 1, Issue 1.
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