This article aims to highlight an important aspect of Islamic Law, which relates to social life of a Muslim. Islamic law promotes social harmony and tolerance, but it makes it balance in the light of ... Read More

Islamic civilization was founded by the Holy Prophet (May blessings of Allah and peace be upon him) right from the beginning of Islam. Each civilization and every culture are deeply affected by the co ... Read More

Over the course of time and with the rapid increase in human population need for mutual relations become crucial. Resultantly on behalf of this closeness, separation, anti-standpoints and comparisons ... Read More

The modern era is considered as advanced and humanized in terms of materialized advancement only. Today the leading societies of the world have created a self-sufficient religion in the name of humani ... Read More

Islam provides a complete and comprehensive concept of civilization that includes all aspects of human life and provides a complete philosophy of life. Generally speaking a civilization is the express ... Read More

Urdu Dissertations of Islamic Studies on Semitic Religions (MPhil, PhD) in Pakistani Universities: An Index and Bibliometric Review Study of religions or Comparative Religions is a globally significa ... Read More

Over the course of time and with the rapid increase in human population need for mutual relations become crucial. Resultantly on behalf of this closeness, separation, anti-standpoints and comparisons ... Read More

This research work was primarily designed to explore the factors that affect and change the human beliefs. The paper particularly addresses the issue from individual and social perspectives in relatio ... Read More

The concept of citizenship is one of the pillars upon which the modern civil state was built. The concept of citizenship can be considered as the basic guarantee for both the government and individual ... Read More

Contemporary secular Switzerland has been polarised by more than two decades of anti-Muslim sentiments, conveyed through misrepresentative narratives by some politicians and media, ‘otherising’ Islam ... Read More

Before the advent of Islam, there was a strong tradition of polemic writings both among the Jews and the Christians to prove the errors of adversary. But, after the advent of Islam in general, and the ... Read More

Bābā Farīd al-Dīn Ganj-i-Shakar, considered as the first Punjābī Sūfī poet, not only exercised his skill but also conveyed Qur’ānic and Prophetic (PBUH) message through his Punjābī poetry. His poetry ... Read More

This paper intends to discuss Qur’ānic concept of Divine Mercy in the light of couples of Divine Attributes mentioned at the end of verses in order to study what standards have been given for the best ... Read More

The question of the end of morality is certainly as old as moral speculation itself. It is this question that prompted Aristotle speculating on moral or character virtue. Moral question is properly a ... Read More

In the post-industrial revolution world, social change is often studied and understood in the context of change in means of production, mobility, urbanization and change in the constitution of workfor ... Read More


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