This article aims to highlight an important aspect of Islamic Law, which relates to social life of a Muslim. Islamic law promotes social harmony and tolerance, but it makes it balance in the light of basic principles and objectives of Shar'īah. Likewise, Islamic law determines social relation between Muslims with each other as well as the relation of Muslims with Non-Muslim citizens in the Islamic state. Furthermore, it is very significant to know that a Muslim can participate in the traditional and religious functions of Non-Muslim or not? Islamic law has made some parameters in this regard, in this research paper we have focused on this specific issue of Islamic law and tried to explain the legal status of this issue in the light of Quran, Prophetic traditions, and opinions of Muslim Scholars. The research method applied in this paper is descriptive and critical study of different school of thoughts is also provided. Muslims have a long history of mutual contacts with the non-Muslims guided by the Shar’īah principles as they have come together in every age in different political and geographical contexts. In the early days of Islam, Muslims were in the minority. At that time, Muslims participated in the social life of their non-Muslims neighbors. Islam respects other religions. Provides all kinds of facilities to non-Muslims. And allows Muslims to participate in their legitimate programs.۔

Khalil Ur Rahman, Mohammd Riaz Khan Al-Azhari. (2020) Limits of Participation in Celebration of Non-Muslim’s Events: An Analytical Study, Al-Milal: Journal of Religion and Thought, Volume 2, Issue 1.
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