The study is chosen to dispel doubts about guidance and ignorance in the minds of Muslims and to light the candle of awareness. Because in the present era, people with a secular mindset are confusing the innocent people in this debate and inviting them to abhor religion. In this research, an effort has been made to convey the truth to the people in the light of the Holy Quran and the Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). There is no doubt that Allah is supreme. He does what He wants. He has the power to create results without possibilities. He is free from all types of reasons and causes of any work. This materialistic universe moves under the rules and regulations farmed by Allah. Allah does everything with His knowledge, power, and reason. But there are some rules and codes to understand this issue, which has been discussed below in detail.

Muhammad Ayaz, Muhammad Ameen Saeedi. (2020) The Quranic Concept Of Guidance And Ignorance, A Critical Study, The Scholar-Islamic Academic Research Journal, Volume-06, Issue-2.
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