Owing to competitive and rapidly changing business environment, organizations are focusing on effective advertisement tools to capture the customers in order to stay competitive. In this connection celebrity endorsement is deemed as a crucial aspect in advertisement. Marketers consider it as a key factor of customer attention to focus on particular products. Present study aims to examine the influence of celebrity endorsement on consumer purchase intentions by concentrating the mediating behaviors of advertising effect and advertising appeal. This study is descriptive and quantitative in nature. Data was collected by applying non-probability convenient sampling technique. A total of 250 questionnaires were distributed among the selected sample frame, 202 questionnaires were correctly filled by the respondents and the response rate was 80.8%. After applying different statistical techniques, results revealed that celebrity endorsement significantly and positively influence the advertising appeal, advertising effect and consumer purchase intentions. People have positive buying behavior for ads with well known celebrities. Furthermore, advertising appeal and advertising effect also significantly and partially mediate the relationship between celebrity endorsement and consumer purchase intentions. Thus, this study would be helpful for marketers to understand and recognize the crucial role of celebrity endorsement, advertising appeal and advertising effect to positively mould the customers buying behaviors

Dr. Naveed Iqbal Chaudhry, Dr. Khalid Hussain Abbasi, Noman Babar. (2018) Does Celebrity Endorsement Influence the Consumer Purchase Intentions? Mediating Role of Advertising Effect and Advertising Appeal, Sir Syed Journal of Education & Social Research (SJESR), Volume-01, Issue-2.
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