China and Iran are the two important neighboring states of Afghanistan. Afghanistan shares a long border of 936 km with Iran but a small border of 76 km with China. China is the most rapidly growing e ... Read More

Though the Islamic Republic of Pakistan (Pakistan) as established in 1947, adopted the then British oriented existing laws, it was confirmed that appropriate modification will be made in these laws. T ... Read More

In Pakistan, life was running normally according to the yearly routine before the outburst of the novel COVID-19. The government had announced the closure of all educational institutes of Pakistan to ... Read More

Metacognitive awareness is awareness about perception which further involves declaration, procedure as well as condition aspects, whereas, procrastination involves the action of delaying or postponing ... Read More

The European Union comprises 27 countries that aim at carving out a separate foreign and security policy for their unification and singleness. The whole union is a symbol of unity and cohesiveness for ... Read More

The point of this study to investigate the impact of sports support on social improvement at an optional level in the region Muzaffarabad. The goals of the investigation were to discover the effect of ... Read More

Leaders play an essential role in the success and failure of the organization. In the past, studies examined positive leadership characteristics and behavior and their impacts on employee outcomes. Th ... Read More

The present study focuses on the use of transitivity as a tool to explore characterization. Transitivity works as a tool to analyze the depiction of people's actions at a broader level (Halliday, 1994 ... Read More

The expanding role of physical education teachers at the college level led them to perform multifarious jobs including conduct of sports events, taking classes, maintaining discipline, and other impor ... Read More

Kashmir has been under the influence of militant forces for many decades. Violence, marginalization, and oppression at the hands of militants and the armed forces are common practices that have transf ... Read More

This research paper is dedicated to the investigation of the effectiveness of inclusive teaching strategies and traditional lecture-based teaching strategies on the learning of pupils in general but t ... Read More

Few people know that Abdul Sattar Edhi, the renowned social worker, also tried his luck in the political field. This study draws attention to his activities in the political field. It uncovers the pol ... Read More

This study aims to analyze the coordination ability of Elementary school children 14 to 16 years of age and compare both Postoral and Munciple children of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (Pakistan). The target pop ... Read More

Teaching and learning of English have been given a prominent position in the education system of Pakistan. The study aimed to evaluate the teachers’ methodology based on the activities in teaching Eng ... Read More

Building on ethnographic fieldwork and qualitative techniques, this paper attempts to explore the mechanisms through which refugee populations maintain distinct identities through marriages as a cultu ... Read More

This qualitative study is based on philosophical analysis (interpretive) that focuses on discussing the relationship of medical science with Islamic teachings to clarify the importance of Islamic rule ... Read More

The paper explores bilateral ties between Turkey and the United States (US) following the end of World War II to the recent era of Trump-Erdogan. Due to its immense geostrategic significance and a str ... Read More

The current study aims to explore the traumatic experiences of female characters of Sophia Khan’s Yasmeen. M. Balaev (2014) identified “the concept of trauma as pathological and unspeakable” in the ge ... Read More

This study investigates the effect of poems as language teaching materials on the discourse competence of English as a second language learners (ESL) learners. Discourse competence is one of the sub-s ... Read More

Technology plays a pivotal role in the ESL teaching and education sector. In language teaching, gender and language research mostly favors the idea of potential differences in language use between men ... Read More

No doubt, the importance of English cannot be denied, but at the same time, mother tongue has also due importance concerning one's culture and understanding basic concepts at schools at primary level. ... Read More

Construction delays are a common phenomenon in the history of hydropower projects in the world generally and in Pakistan particularly. This research presents the case study of Diamar Basha Dam, one of ... Read More

This study aims at investigating the association between metacognitive awareness and student’s academic achievements. The study undertakes the objectives and hypotheses on Low, Average and High achiev ... Read More

This study was aimed at analyzing the levels of suicide intention in the secondary school students of Pakistan. To collect data, the tool was developed with 23 items to represent the three-dimension i ... Read More

This paper deals with the problem of identity during and after the Partition of the Indian Subcontinent in 1947. It focuses on the portrayal of the shifting faces of communitarian identity/politics by ... Read More

This study seeks to explore the paradox of Schizoid-self, which is split, fluid and in a constant flux, since it is situated in the interstitial space of gender and spirituality in Uzma Aslam Khan’s T ... Read More

The study was a survey type with a quantitative focus of inquiry in which information literacy skills of post-graduate research scholars were analyzed. The sample of the study was taken from the Unive ... Read More

Linguistic strategies have been widely utilized to function as a tool for persuasion. The present study aims to investigate linguistic deviation in advertisements in Pakistani print media. There are d ... Read More

Innovation is a new idea, object, or practice like scientific knowledge, technical products, application method, and tools which are viewed as new facilitators of problem-solving, on-the-spot acceptan ... Read More

The purpose of this study was to have a structural analysis of fairy tales of Pakistan. Being a part of an old civilization, Pakistan has also the rich and centuries-old oral tradition of storytelling ... Read More

This paper critically analyzes the dilemma of identity crisis and its impact on immigrants concerning the Hanif Kurieggidentity crisis into its texts because of the rule of colonial power and its impa ... Read More

The article focuses on locating the politics of resistance in Pakistan through cultural and historical experiences which are materialized through progressive stance of poets especially Faiz (1971) and ... Read More

Inclusive education requires that education be delivered in a framework that is broad enough to accommodate equally the needs and the requirements of every learner in the society. This includes learne ... Read More

This research was carried out to know the central subject of the assessment with the relationship of a democratic coaching style on the student-players of motivation. Therefore; the survey study was c ... Read More

The research provides an insight into the disparity of power distribution in the discourse of television interview specifically of HARDtalk (a program of BBC news channel concerned with crucial issues ... Read More

Reflective teaching (RT) has globally acknowledged its usefulness to teachers' professional development. This study investigated the consequences of RT concerning teachers' professional development. O ... Read More

This paper is an attempt to explore powerlessness in the discourses of Mohsin Hamid’s novel Moth Smoke (2000)' from the perspective of Fairclough's Three Dimension Model (TDM). The main issue of the ... Read More

The human brain, which can be programmed through a multiplicity of practices, is the foundation of NLP. Language teachers can effectively program their students for improved language output if made aw ... Read More

The purpose of this study was to examine the critical thinking skills incorporated in text-based questions and tasks in the Pakistan Studies textbooks of secondary level. The Pakistan Studies textbook ... Read More

The present study intended to explore the relationship of second language (L2) skills with first language (L1) skills, and mathematics skills. Language skills and mathematical skills share the same su ... Read More

The research aimed to examine the positive role art therapy could play in improving the attention span of children with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder co-morbid Intellectual Disability in th ... Read More

Rural areas in Pakistan are confronted with multiple problems including the provision of quality education to rural children. The key component of quality education is the level of pedagogy in rural s ... Read More

This study is to evaluate the practice of stimulus variation skill (SVS) of Secondary School Teachers (SSTs) in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP). The objective of the study was to examine the practice of SVS o ... Read More

The purpose of this collaborative action research study was to develop reflective teaching practice through focus group discussions as a form of reflection conversations with n ... Read More

Cultural hybridity has prevailed by penetrating its roots in the globalized world. It has influenced the identity of people especially migrants of various countries. Identity in the case o ... Read More

Every human being is beautiful with his own colour and appearance. No colour makes one beautiful but the white people of America have propagated the idea of white beauty as a tool of their politics to ... Read More

Algebra is blamed as an abstract way of thinking in mathematics learning. Writing equations from given text is a skill. Logical and step by step noting information help to write the corr ... Read More

Educational institutions are bound to take online assessments due to pandemics, which drives the need to identify the perceived satisfaction of both teachers and students about the effecti ... Read More

The present research study was conducted in one of the private sector universities of Lahore city in Pakistan. This study has utilized a quantitative paradigm that included a single ... Read More

Pakistan –USA relations with the punctuated history of over seventy years roller-coaster motion have passed through phases of intense engagement to era of sanctions and betrayal during the Cold war, ... Read More

Urbanization is a worldwide phenomenon in which people move to cities for multiple reasons. Before partition in 1947, the trend of urbanization in Pakistan was not so popular. However, after independe ... Read More

This investigational work seeks to analyze the speediness competence of 14-16-year-old high school teenagers to assess the municipal and pastoral residents of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP) in Pakistan. The ... Read More

The current study aims at describing and categorizing the possible tense markers of Balti language, spoken in the Baltistan region of Gilgit-Baltistan. As for linguistics exposure is concerned, Balti ... Read More

This investigational work aims to analyze the body mass index (BMI) of elementary educational institution youngsters aged 7-12 years and to assess inner-city and pastoral youngsters in Khyber Pakhtunk ... Read More

Textbook evaluation is considered an important factor in the field of education from the aspect of teachers and learners. The current examination aims to evaluate the Oxford Progressive English textbo ... Read More

The prime focus of this research was exploring the role of classroom situation in hampering L2 communicative interaction at the public sector colleges, universities, and the sub-campuses of these univ ... Read More

The basic objective of this research study is to determine the impact Performance Management (PM) has on the overall performance of the organizations in the education sector of Pakistan. The study als ... Read More

Technology Enhanced Formative Assessment (TEFA) is an advanced and evidence-based pedagogical approach for science and mathematics teaching using a classroom response system. Question-driven instructi ... Read More

The qualitative research had been carried on to highlight the importance of Pre-Service Teachers, Training programs in the country. It had been observing to underestimate the aforementioned subject du ... Read More

The present study has been conducted to discover the “Impact/Effect of ICTs on Academic Achievement of Students at Post Graduate Level” in public sectors general universities of Federal Capital Islama ... Read More

The paper aims to analyze the linguistic strategies of politeness in the transactional talk of Pushtoon Salesmen with Lahori customers. The current study assumes politeness as a tool to achieve the ef ... Read More

This research aimed to measure the drawbacks of in-service training Design for teachers at elementary and secondary levels in Punjab. The main objective of the study was to investigate whether trainin ... Read More

The existing study was expected to identify the relationship between organizational commitment and demographic variation of private secondary school teachers. The study’s objectives were; (i) to ident ... Read More

The present paper comparatively analyzes English translations of Urdu fiction by Umer Memon and Saeed Naqvi to identify translational stylistic features. The data for this paper consists of two corpor ... Read More

The major purpose of the research was to examine the effects of leadership traits of secondary school principals on school improvement. A descriptive research method was used to conduct the study. All ... Read More

The drive of the study was to investigate gender and sector-related differences of emotional-social intelligence of university teachers. The objectives of this research work were to; examine the emoti ... Read More

The study recognizes that word problems are the necessary part and a key component of mathematics education. Knowing that mathematics, language as a means, and the situation context are never separabl ... Read More

This study aimed to investigate the self-efficacy of elementary teachers and their attitude towards practices of classroom management at the elementary level in Mansehra. This study was descriptive. T ... Read More

This study explores the role of leading newspapers of both America and Pakistan on the war-on-terror (WoT). The comparative framing analysis of the WoT in the selected newspapers Dawn (Pakistan) and T ... Read More

Early childhood learning holds a great impact on children satisfaction, intensification, growth and core of education in this interval of life. In child development at early stage lot of activities re ... Read More

The purpose of the current study was to explore the usage of effective questioning during lecture-based teaching in the higher secondary chemistry classroom to enhance students’ active participation. ... Read More

The on-going research is being done to understand the existing sport-experiences of players and officials about the expansion of leadership abilities via sport. This descriptive-analytical study was c ... Read More

Teaching practicum is an essential and mandatory component of any teacher education program, which is also manifested from the weightage given to it in the B.Ed. (Hons) scheme of studies. This paper e ... Read More

Socializing is an interactive communication process that involves both individual development and personal effects, i.e. personal reception and interpretation of all social messages, but also the dyna ... Read More

The present study is concerned with the investigation of the language attitude of Pashto speakers towards English. The study aims to look into issues of language interplay of Pashto language with the ... Read More

The current study aimed to analyze prevailing notions and understanding of Madrassahs’ heads, teachers, and students about on-going teaching practices of Sustainable Development Values (SDVs). It was ... Read More

In both religion & philosophy, the concept of self is of tremendous significance. It has always been an idea of contemplation for mankind as man has always discovered himself uncertain about the true ... Read More

This paper analyses the parallel words that occur in various poems of Hamid Khan in the collection, “Velvet of Loss”. These words are: night, bird, dream, dawn, life, mist, dusk, and hope. The analysi ... Read More

This theoretical paper aims to give an overview of the research process involved in researching Social Sciences using the Discourse Studies perspective. Discourse Studies (DS), Discourse Analysis (DA) ... Read More

Voting pattern is one of the important themes of political science that, indicates the level of political participation of citizens in modern democracies, through the electoral process. The electoral ... Read More

The present research focused on investigating the impact of increased exposure to second language orthography (English), through adopting it as a medium of instruction, on reading accuracy in L1. This ... Read More

This study deals with the processing of political information disseminated through mass media. “Elaboration Likelihood Model” of persuasion was used as a framework for this study. A list comprising of ... Read More

The students' perception of classroom assessment impacts their approaches towards learning. Therefore, it is a demand for Higher education institutions to reassess their assessment procedures to face ... Read More

The present study deals with the impact of graphic organizers (GOs) on reading comprehension of intermediate level English learners. The study specifically focused on the teaching of English drama thr ... Read More

The peaceful coexistence among people is the key to a stable and progressing world. The focus of the study was to examine the desired and existing level of peace teaching practices at the university l ... Read More

A study was conducted to develop the research instrument for evaluating the Performance Appraisal System (PAS) at public higher secondary schools in Punjab. Data were collected from the three division ... Read More

The Pakistani education system is facing deep-rooted problems for a very long period. Though some policies are devised to enhance the education system, especially the secondary education system in Pak ... Read More

The study aims to explore the role of dialogic teaching, derived from Bakhtin's 'Dialogism', at an intermediate level in the English language teaching-learning process in District Bannu. An experiment ... Read More

Internet addiction is the most rising tool of the present era. Undoubtedly, it has left a strong influence on the minds of youth. Like other parts of the world use of the internet is quite common in P ... Read More

The present study aims to explore the effects of Western culture on the family system of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. Every culture in the world is diversified. Culture is an invisible thing, but its effects c ... Read More

The study of voting behavior is a sub-field of Political Science. Voting represents an important aspect of public participation in a democratic system. Keeping in view the importance of voting behavio ... Read More

Romantic imagination is against any fixation of form and rules and regulations but any creative attempt, however anti-rule it may be, must have some underlying principles governing its structure. This ... Read More

One part of this paper uncovers how the politics around the demands for the dissolution and re-election of the Constituent Assembly of Pakistan took place subsequent to the elections for the country’s ... Read More

The present study is conducted to investigate the impact of positive and negative religious coping on life satisfaction, positive affect, and negative affect during the times of COVID-19 pandemic in P ... Read More

The current study investigates the impacts of television crime shows on the attitude of viewers. The researcher employed a quantitative approach and the survey method is used to collect the data. A st ... Read More

Culture is a way of life that takes into its jurisdiction to all experiences of life and social associations. Culture receives variations over time. Similarly, the culture of the Sub-continent is alte ... Read More

There is a dramatic increase in the number of women students in higher educational institutions but this had not been matched by growth in the number of women in senior leadership positions in Pakista ... Read More

Korea was one of the first countries to be directly impacted by the Covid19 (SARS Type II) virus. The swift response by the medical community was highly effective in reducing the spread of the virus: ... Read More

Test construction is a fundamental constituent in the field of education. Many researches are being conducted in the field of testing across the academic world. Development of Achievement tests and st ... Read More

English grammar is how words in the English language are translated into text. This includes the structure of words, phrases, clauses, and phrases, up to and including full-text structure. The main ob ... Read More

International doctoral students’ journey towards their PhD studies begins with finding an appropriate research supervisor and making a transition to the academic environment in a foreign university. T ... Read More

The purpose of this study was to analyze performance of teachers of public sector on the base of code of conduct. The objectives of the study were to analyze knowledge, disposition and performance of ... Read More

Amid COVID-19 pandemic in Pakistan, the Higher Education Commission of Pakistan announced the closure of all public and private universities and Higher Education Institutes from mid of March 2020. The ... Read More

A critical examination of the trends, issues, and challenges in policy and practice of English language education in Pakistan is the main concern of this paper. This is done first by describing the pr ... Read More

Contemporary world, is facing serious issues of peace e.g. social injustice, gender discrimination and violation of human rights, narrow-mindedness towards other’s cultures, religious conflicts, suppr ... Read More

Cerebral palsy (CP) is known as the main developmental disability among infants and children. The brain injury is associated with pre or postnatal period. A physiotherapy is an effective tool of rehab ... Read More

Every society of the world is stereotype due to the various groups that exist inside the country. Same is the case with Pakistan which consists of various sub-national groups, among them one is the Pa ... Read More

The study analyzes press coverage of Kashmir conflict in Indian and Pakistani leading English newspapers from war/peace journalism perspective. The results show that print media of both the countries ... Read More

The study aims to explore association between parental involvement and its contribution in students’ performance goal orientation and academic achievement during their elementary schooling. The study ... Read More

The main objectives of study was to determine effect of molesting behavior of male athletes in the perspective of participation of the female athletes and effect of molesting behavior of male athletes ... Read More

This research study was carried out to investigate the facts and establish the present state of the link between Industry and university in Pakistan especially focusing on the present scenario and cur ... Read More

The present study has been conducted for the identification of Principals leadership’s competencies in academic and administrative areas at the secondary school level of education in Khyber Pakhtunkhw ... Read More

The main purpose of the current study was to examine the effect of Organizational Climate (OC) on Job Satisfaction (JS) of Instructors Physical Education working in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. For this purpo ... Read More

This paper discusses the US engagement in Afghanistan with particular reference to their withdrawal within a specified period of fourteen months. An agreement has been reached between the US and Talib ... Read More

This study was launched in order to contribute to the body of researchers conducted for investigating teachers’ perceptions and practices about cooperative learning in the classroom. The main objectiv ... Read More

Journalists around the world are facing difficult situations while pursuing their careers. The situation of Pakistani journalists is not different. Lack of safety and other incentives offered by their ... Read More

In the present study teachers’ preferences in their instructional methods were integrated with the revised model of blooms taxonomy to seek out how much they are incorporating the instructional approa ... Read More

Knowledge exchange method teaching is a growing trend. The main objective of this work to see the effect of knowledge exchange method teaching in the mathematics classrooms and thus sees its outcomes ... Read More

This research was aimed to explore the coverage of development related news in Pakistani print media. To analyze the coverage, two leading newspapers of Pakistan- daily Dawn and daily Jang were select ... Read More

The study assesses the effect of leadership management and resource management practices on teacher’s job satisfaction. This study focused on the core activities of the leadership management and resou ... Read More

Recently, the concept of Critical thinking got much significance in the teaching and learning process. Thinking creatively and critically in the English language beckons our representation in differen ... Read More

The present study was focused to know about the relationship of organizational structure, physical facilities, and leadership practices with school improvement. A survey research method was adopted wi ... Read More

Hunger starvation, natural disasters, droughts and the clan enmities make people to migrate from one region to another region. Also sometimes people migrate as they inherit the habit, of migration. Th ... Read More

Mathematics as a subject is considered difficult as well as interesting and enjoyable. children like its challenge, its clarity, and the fact that you know when you are right. The solution to a proble ... Read More

In recent times, several types of research focused on assessing mindfulness by using a variety of existing scales. Mindfulness Attention Awareness Scale (MAAS) comes forth as a precise and comprehensi ... Read More

The study focused on the development and validation of modules for teaching Human Rights (HRs). The researchers developed modules consisted of nine units, based on previous modules and literature. One ... Read More

Quality education is one of the key indicators for economic development of a country. Consequently, most developing countries have committed themselves in several international forums not only to prov ... Read More

Hamid Khan uses the tools of foregrounding (deviation and parallelism) to project war and its devastating effects on society. This paper aims at searching for the projection of the theme of war throug ... Read More

This study analyses the constraints that impede micro-scale, small-scale, and medium-scale enterprises (MSMEs) from accessing banks’ finances in the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP) provi ... Read More

This paper delineates political and cultural shifts in the Malakand district of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP), Pakistan. The paper challenges dominant perceptions and discourses about the people of KP in th ... Read More

This study was carried out to evaluate the pedagogical appropriateness of the prescribed course. For the pedagogical analysis of the course, the theoretical framework of the investigation ... Read More

Qualitative research was conducted in the interpretive paradigm using phenomenology as an approach to check the execution of the performance appraisal system (PAS) at higher sec ... Read More

The ethics among educators determine the educative standards of the institution. To clarify the present state, this paper attempted to gain a better understanding of the ethics practices o ... Read More

The research study is narrative and it aims to see perceptions of school heads about the role of community in improving the quality of education at secondary school level in ... Read More

This study investigates into the academic achievement of university students as determined by their communication skills. The differences in groups were measured on the basis of gender, locality, seme ... Read More

Pakistani learners of English are exposed to the same degree to both the British and the American variety of English language. There is no state policy or direction regarding the preference of one var ... Read More

The current study was conducted in the 3 Districts of Southern Punjab to analyze the parent’s attitude towards children’s education and teachers related attributes. A sample of 975 household heads wer ... Read More

The study aims at analyzing the conflict coverage of Kashmir in the mainstream English press of India and Pakistan along with and draws its theoretical support from Galtung’s ideas of peace and war jo ... Read More

This survey research study was carried out in Hazara Division, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, at secondary schools to investigate the impact of parental role and teachers’ role on the neuroticism personality tra ... Read More

Since, the incident of 9/11, the identity of the Muslims across the globe have gone through serious misrepresentations by the western media. This paper provides the insights that how the Muslims have ... Read More

This research explores the psychoanalytical aspects of the lives of South Asian immigrant characters in the novel Brick Lane (2003). The novel highlights the theme of migration, describing the shock o ... Read More

Worldwide developments in the sciences have changed human lives radically. Science education has an important role in enabling school learners to understand something of what the sciences have found ... Read More

The study was to investigate the impact of school leadership on student’s personality development. The objectives of the study were to investigate the characteristics of competent school leadership an ... Read More

The critically discusses the women’s rights in Pakistan. For this purpose, it explores the Patriarchal nature of the society and the historical background of women’s rights in Pakistan. Before it does ... Read More

The paper tries to establish the performance modality of government. In this study, selected frames (thematic) were examined in four major English newspapers of Pakistan regarding general issues and e ... Read More

English used by native English speakers was being followed as a standard token of usage for non-native English speakers for a longer time. However, with the spread of knowledge and technology, the Eng ... Read More

Voting is the most common and effective way of political participation across the globe. Voting substantiates voters’ will and decides the fate of the country. Voting signifies that voters are informe ... Read More

The process of out-migration has significantly been associated with the welfare of the households at origin across the world. The process of migration is mainly initiated from Pakistan with a prime ob ... Read More

This study aimed to examine community involvement in secondary level school development Malakand District. The aims of the researcher were to explore the involvement of the community, participation, a ... Read More

Barthes’s five-code theory puts forward the idea of the reader as a producer of the text rather than its consumer. This typology of the codes, which constitutes plurality of the text, offers different ... Read More

The present study investigated the correlation of critical thinking skills (CTS) and academic achievement of intermediate students in the province of Punjab, Pakistan. The study was quantitative. The ... Read More

The phenomenon of Child Sexual Abuse (CSA) is witnessed across the globe. Like other countries, this issue is also prominently highlighted by media in Pakistan. However Pakistani media in general cove ... Read More

In contemporary leadership theories, the proposition that leaders, who employ performance-based rewards and punishment are more effective than those leaders who use rewards and punishments just as inc ... Read More

This study aims at finding the effect of dialogic teaching on pedagogy. Dialogic teaching is based on Bakhtin’s concept of ‘Dialogism’. Data were obtained from an experimental study that was conducted ... Read More

The study aimed to explore head teachers’ perceptions regarding their role in educational and administrative decision making in schools at secondary level. The role of head teacher in school administr ... Read More

This paper discusses the Borderland Theory from the perspective of the Pak-Afghan border that gained great momentum in the post-9/11 episode. Borders play the most significant role in determining the ... Read More

This study makes an effort to investigate learner mathematics-related beliefs at the secondary level. The study was qualitative and the method adopted for the in-depth information about the belief was ... Read More

Teachers sketch diagrams and use other representations as a portion of systematic inquiry in science. This study was consist of a qualitative paradigm that examined the five students’ perceptions of t ... Read More

The study aimed at exploring the different types of punctuation errors made by students in their writings, the reasons behind these errors, and the reasons behind the differences in the frequency of p ... Read More

The main aim of universities is to conduct research studies on different aspects of human life for the purpose of development and prosperity. In this regard the importance of statistical literacy cann ... Read More

This research study was meant to examine the relationship of organization commitment to job performance of academic staff. 320 academic staff was chosen for data collection using self-administered que ... Read More

This research aims to examine the impact of mission and involvement on employees’ performance. This research work aimed to check the influence of mission and involvement which are two traits of the cu ... Read More

This study investigated the perception of respondents towards the prevalence of molesting behavior among male coaches in respect of female athletes in different games at public sector universities in ... Read More

This study was designed to investigate the Higher Authorities (HED & HOIs) role with reference to the promotion of sport among female students at college level Punjab, Pakistan. The HOIs and PETs ... Read More

The main aim of the study was to explore the causes of miss-out children from rural areas of Punjab. Further the study objective was to provide an in-depth exploration of the experiences of families w ... Read More

This paper aims to analyze the colonial worldview characteristic of the friendship between the English and the Indians in the early 20th century represented in E. M. Forster’s novel A Passage to India ... Read More

This study aimed at investigating the impact of picture storytelling and Mind Maps as pre-writing tools for cochlear implanted student. Action research was conducted to improve cochlear implanted lear ... Read More

In this century, the world is undergoing many changes in social and economic arena. All these changes are opening door to many opportunities for young people who wish to enter in professional life; an ... Read More

The study reviewed the course codes at undergraduate level in selected universities and Higher Education Commission (HEC). The objectives of the study were to investigate the coding system of courses ... Read More

Previous literature mainly focused on the categorization of prepositions in investigation of the syntactical structure of Pashto grammar. This paper will adopt syntactical model of Svenonius to examin ... Read More

This article focuses on the use of code-switched words in Hamid Khan’s collections of poetry, “Velvet of Loss” and “Pale Leaf” (Three Voices). The incorporated code-switching in Khan’s poetry relate t ... Read More

This study explores the impact of 3-weeks intervention based on resilience as a psychosocial skill to enhance the levels of optimism, self-esteem, and resilience as well as the correlation between the ... Read More

Empirical evidences reveal political fluctuation in Pakistan’s history. Almost, this political fluctuation is dominated by military regime(s). The military’s dominant role in Pakistan’s politics repre ... Read More

Personal narrative, a very important subgenre of narratives, is usually developed in a particular style. To know its specificity, in this study, oral personal narratives have been analyzed. For this p ... Read More

This study seeks to find out the use of information technology resources (ITRs) among university students in Punjab. These ITRs were provided by the Government of Punjab as an initiative to equip the ... Read More

This pre-test post-test control group experimental study was conducted to identify difference in the performance of three BBL (Brain Based Learning) types of strategies; practical simulation, problem ... Read More

This research analyzes women’s participation in a sit-in organized by a mainstream political party, Pakistan Awami Tehreek (PAT) in the capital territory of Pakistan. This sit-in continued for 86 days ... Read More

This study aims to explore and uncover power play in Dharna 2014 speeches of Imran Khan. The study has followed the theoretical perspective of power (Fairclough, 2003) in its two-dimensions i.e. power ... Read More

This correlational study has been conducted to establish association among students’ personality traits; extraversion, agreeableness and their preferred learning styles at Higher Education. From provi ... Read More