INTRODUCTION: The management of pregnancy loss in first trimester generally involved with two options, dilation or expectant management and in operation room curettage. In outpatient settings many new options are available that provide women with low expenses and may also be done in private settings. Methodology: The comparative cross sectional study was conducted at Department of Obstetrics & Gynecology. Lady Atchison Hospital, Lahore. From 15 01 2021 to 28 02 2021A total 256 patients presenting with incomplete miscarriage in unit 4 and 5 of Lady Aitchison Hospital were enrolled in study.These females were divided randomly in two groups comprising 128 patients in each group. In group-A, females underwent MVA while females in group-B underwent ERPC. ERPC carried out in operation room under anaesthesia and MVA just carried out in the room of examination in paracervical block with Ipas. MVA procedure includes just cannula and aspirator. By the help of ultrasound confirmed the completion of procedure. Data was entered and analyzed through SPSS v25.0. Quantitative variables like age, parity and duration of pregnancy were presented as Mean±S.D. Qualitative variable like RPOCs on scan was presented as frequency and percentages.Comparison of two groups, one with patients undergoing MVA and other with patients undergoing ERCP was done by applying Chi-Square. A p-value ≤0.05 was taken as significant. RESULTS: The RPOCs is categorized in two categories in our study one is present group and second is absent group. In manual vacuum aspiration groups out of 128 females 36 (28.1 %) were from present group and 92 (71.9 %) were from absent group. In ERPC group out of 128 females 72 (56.3 %) were from present group and 56 (43.8 %) were from absent group. CONCLUSION: MVA in hospitals that treat patients with incomplete first trimester abortion, including those of less complex, unequivocally representing improvement in the quality of medical care. MVA is effective, safe, time less consuming and need less stay of hospital. MVA not requires anaesthesia and involve less complication.

Omay Farwa, Amna Khanum, Tayyaba Kanwal, Mehwish Ayyaz. (2021) Comparison between Manual Vacuum Aspiration and Evacuation of Retained Products of Conception in Women with Miscarriage, Journal of the Society of Obstetrics and Gynaecologists of Pakistan , Volume-11, Issue-2.
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