In the last few decades,there has been a lot of change globally to make societies equitable and fair.The progress worldwide has revealed that gaps of human rights based approaches towards life and healthcare have been reduced. Dignity, respect,and autonomy are the principle human rights which govern healthcare in general and maternity care specifically. Maternity care received by women varies all over the world. In densely populated countries such as Pakistan, our high birthrate indicates just how vital this area of concern is. A respectful, dignified approach towards a woman in such an eventful period of her life, can lead to the enhanced feeling of being empowered; and ultimately enhance her feeling of wellbeing mentally andphysically.It is crucial for us, as healthcare providers, to ensure that we involve women presentingtousformaternitycare,inarespectfulandempatheticmanner.Principles ofbeneficenceandnon-maleficencegovernourpractice. Itisvitalforustomakethe woman realize, that she is not seen as a means of procreation or in layman term ‘birthing machines’ but as an empowered individual. She needs to perceive that her decisions are fully supported by the healthcare providers in accordance to her own free will, without fearing discrimination on anygrounds.

Haleema Yasmin. (2020) Respectful Maternity Care, Journal of the Society of Obstetrics and Gynaecologists of Pakistan , Volume-10, Issue-4.
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