Objective: To assess safety, efficacy, and cost-effectiveness of Hysterosalpingography in women with sub fertility Methodology: In this descriptive study 52 women with sub fertility were enrolled for Hysterosalpingography. All women with primary /secondary sub fertility were included except those who declined to participate or had a history of allergies. Only 2-3 cc of Urograffin was injected via 10 Fr Foley’s catheter and a plain radiograph was obtained immediately. More dye was injected in small aliquots (2-3 cc) if required and x ray films obtained with each. Analysis was done in SPSS version 20.0. Results: A total 52 women participated in the study. Thirty nine (75%) women had primary sub fertility and 11 (21%) had secondary sub fertility. The majority of women 39 (75%) had at least one patent tube. Bilateral proximal blockade was seen in 3 (5.8%) women. The unilateral blockade was noted in 7 (13.5%) women and a similar number of women had dilatation of tubes with bilateral free spill. Loculated spill was noted in 5 (9.6%) women. Twenty eight (53.8%) women had a completely normal study. This method is associated with lesser radiation exposure, minimal analgesia requirement, reduced cost, and high patient satisfaction. Conclusion: Modified techniques of tubal assessment should be evaluated further in low resource settings to enable the delivery of fertility services in less privileged segments of society. This newer technique of Hysterosalpingography is successful and safe and the costs suit the low SES communities like Pakistani women.

Sabeen Khan. (2020) Efficacy and Safety of Hysterosalpingography in Women with Primary and Secondary Sub-Fertility in a low resource setting, Journal of the Society of Obstetrics and Gynaecologists of Pakistan , Volume-10, Issue-3.
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