Objective: To compare the efficacy of phloroglucinol i/v and drotaverine hydrochloride by measuring the mean duration of active phase of the first stage of labour in primigravidae at term. Place and Duration: This Randomized controlled trial was carried out at the Department of Obstetrics & Gynecology of Bahawal Victoria Hospital, Bahawalpur, with 6 months duration from September 22, 2012, to March 21, 2014. Methodology: All the primigravida with age ranged of 18 to 35 years and gestational age of 38-42 weeks from LMP with singleton pregnancy, vertex presentation, spontaneous or induced labour, uterine contractions at 3 cm whether they were established at 3-4 in 10 minutes before administration of two drugs, rupture of membranes, no evidence of maternal or fetal distress, maternal ambulation in first stage of labour were selected for study. All the cases were divided in 2 groups Group A and group B. Patients were consecutively allowed to select the two folded slips with written group A and group B. Subsequent coming cases were placed either in group A or group B. Group ‘A’ was administered phloroglucinol 40mg (4ml) i/v at 4cm dilatation and dose was repeated at 8cm of dilatation. Group ‘B’ was administered drotaverine 40mg i/v at 4cm dilatation. Monitoring half hourly of the essential sign; contractions of the uterus and fetal heart rate have been done. Results: A total of 100 patients were included, most cases of both groups were between 20-25 years of age as; 56% cases in Group-A and 52% in Group-B, mean age was recorded as 24.34+3.45 and 25.67+2.77 respectively, mean of active phase duration of the first stage of labour was significantly decreased as 162.54+5.35 minutes in Group-A as compare to Group-B 205.64+7.35 minutes, p-value 0.002. Conclusion: It is concluded that the mean of active phase duration of the first stage of labour was significantly shorter in Phloroglucinol group as compared to Drotaverine group.

Maham Janjua, Khadija Waheed, Tayyaba Iqbal, Sara Ejaz. (2018) Efficacy of Phlorogucinol in Comparison to Drotaverine Hydrochloride in Reducing Duration of Active Phase of 1st Stage of Labour in Primigravidae at Term, Journal of the Society of Obstetrics and Gynaecologists of Pakistan , Volume-08, Issue-1.
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