In the modern era, radiological and pathological investigations have made the diagnosis of gynecological diseases easier and reliable. However, in rare instances, very large masses may mask the actual ... Read More

44-year-old healthy woman presented with 2 weeks of lower abdominal pain. Vaginal and abdominal ultrasound revealed a well-circumscribed structure measuring approximately 8x5 cm with anechogenic inclu ... Read More

Problem:Our current understanding of pretermlabor is limited in the context of dysbiosis of microbiome Background: Human microbiome is comprised of trillions of microorganisms, residing on and within ... Read More

Objectives: To determine an association between modified bishop score and success of induction of labour in nulliparous women. Methodology: A total of 97 nulliparous pregnant women at a gestation per ... Read More

Objective:To compare mean time to return of bowel motility and passage of first flatus after elective caesarean section between gum chewing and control group.Study Design:Randomized controlled study P ... Read More

Objective:To analyze different biochemical Parameters in Vitamin D deficient population and to estimate prevalence of vitamin D deficiency in different age and gender.Methodology:This c ... Read More

Objective: To compare the knowledge of adolescent and young adult females of rural and urban areas regarding reproductive health. Study Design: Descriptive Cross-Sectional study. Place And Duration ... Read More

Objective: The present study aims at determining the incidence, demographic profile, risk factors, clinical features and treatment modalities of ectopic pregnancy. Study Design: Prospective Descripti ... Read More

Objective: To assess the role of enoxaparin to improve obstetrical outcome in patients with IUGR and oligohydramnios. Study design: Randomized Controlled Trial study. Setting and duration: Study was ... Read More

Objective: To determine maternal and fetal outcome in patients with obstetric cholestasis Methdology: The descriptive case series study was conducted in obstetrics and gynaecology department of feder ... Read More

Objective: To determine the frequency of low placental weight in women with preeclampsia visiting to tertiary care hospital. Methods: This descriptive prospective cross-sectional study was conducted ... Read More

Objective:To assess the prevalence of placenta accreta and, to examine the effects of booking status & management of the placenta accreta during the third stage on maternal outcomes.Study Design: Desc ... Read More

Objective: To compare the short term outcome measures of chromic catgut versus vicryl rapide for episiotomy repair, in terms of frequency of perineal pain and wound dehiscence. Place And Duration: Th ... Read More

Postpartum haemorrhage (PPH) is a serious medical problem. Around 14,000,000 million cases occur annually worldwide. The reported case-fatality rate is 1% with an estimated number of 140,000 deaths ha ... Read More

Pakistan has witnessed a rapid increase in population since independence in 1947. A country with a population of 33 million in 1947 has reached 207 million in 2017 – a massive population explosion.1 B ... Read More

Objective: This study was designed to determine the relationship between maternal serum uric acid level at delivery in gestational hypertensive women and subsequent foetal outcome. Methodology: A cro ... Read More

Objective: To compare frequency of mode of delivery and induction to delivery interval in women undergoing induction of labour with concurrent intracervical Foleys plus vaginal misoprostol versus va ... Read More

Objectives: To determine the effectiveness of uterovaginal packing in the management of primary postpartum hemorrhage after vaginal delivery and during cesarean section. Study design: a Retrospectiv ... Read More

Objectives: To assess the association of anthropometric parameters including obesity with endometrial carcinoma in our study population. Study Design: Case control study Place and duration of study ... Read More

Objectives: (i) To study the effect of jaundice on maternal outcome in terms of mode of delivery and any complications if occurring. (ii) To study the effect of jaundice on fetal outcome in terms of b ... Read More

Objective: To assess parturient satisfaction during intrapartum and postpartum period of childbirth. To evaluate the hospital services. Study Design: Cross sectional study. Place and Duration: Mater ... Read More

Objective: To evaluate the accuracy of Visual inspection of cervix with 5% acetic acid (VIA) in the diagnosis of cervical cancer. Place and Duration: It was a cross sectional study conducted Departme ... Read More

Background; Over the few decades, various studies have documented remarkable status of vitamin D deficiency in male and female population. We planned our study to find its prevalence among our local p ... Read More

Objective: To determine the efficacy of single loading dose (14 grams) of magnesium sulphate (MgSO4) as an anti-convulsant in the management of eclampsia and severe pre-eclampsia. Methods: A prospect ... Read More

Objective: To study the role of vitamin D supplementation on glucose metabolism in polycystic ovary syndrome. Study Design: Prospective, quasi experimental study design. Place and Duration of study: ... Read More

Objective: To determine the level of awareness of cervical cancer and utilization of Pap smear screening in a cohort of female health workers, where awareness is expected to be high. Methods: A descr ... Read More

Pregnancy-associated breast cancer (PABC) is defined as breast cancer diagnosed during pregnancy or within one year postpartum. The aim of this editorial is to emphasize the early detection of PABC, i ... Read More

In this case report the occurrence of ectopic pregnancy in a previous caesarean scar will be discussed in which diagnosis has been made through trans abdominal ultrasonography. The diagnosis was made ... Read More

We present an unusual case in which a primigravida patient with Glanzmann’s thrombasthenia underwent uneventful pregnancy but unfortunately fetus died due to fetal ascites and heart problem. The patie ... Read More

Ectopia cordis is a rare, severe congenital anomaly.1 This may be of various types depending on the extent of soft tissue involved. It is characterized by complete or partial displacement of the heart ... Read More

The intrauterine contraceptive device (IUCD) is a popular form of long acting reversible birth control (LARC) for women with reported effectiveness of over 99%. It has low cost, very effective and ha ... Read More

Objective: To determine the uterine rupture among cases with previously one scar caesarean during labor induced with syntocinon compared to not induced with syntocinon. Methodology: This randomized c ... Read More

Objective: Determine the outcome of women with severe acute maternal morbidity (Near miss) attending tertiary care hospital. Methodology: It was a case series study; conducted six months duration at ... Read More

Objective: To compare the outcome of abdominal versus vaginal of hysterectomy in terms of hospital stay, the rate of complications and patient’s satisfaction. Study design and setting: This was an ob ... Read More

Objective: This study was carried out to determine the awareness and level of knowledge of Human Papillomavirus and its vaccine amongst doctors and their attitude towards vaccination. Methodology: Th ... Read More

Objective: To determine the incidence and predisposing factors for Postpartum hemorrhage (PPH)among Pakistani women delivering in 16 referral facilities included in World health organization (WHO) Mul ... Read More

Objective: The objective of the study is to determine the frequency of pain catastrophizing and kinesiophobia and the possible relation between these variables in post-caesarean females with low back ... Read More

Objective: To compare the frequency of post-operative infectious morbidity in patients undergoing emergency cesarean section with and without pre-operative vaginal cleansing. Methodology: A Randomize ... Read More

Objectives: The objective of the study was to compare the hormonal profile in women, who had undergone bilateral tubal ligation and those without tubal ligation. Study Design and Setting: Cross- sect ... Read More

Objective: To observe the tocolytic efficacy of Glyceryl trinitrate transdermal patches in preterm labour between 28 – 36 weeks of pregnancy. Study duration: Study duration was 6 months January 2014 ... Read More

Objective: To compare the efficacy of Metformin versus Insulin for glycemic control of pregnant women with GDM. Study Design: A randomized controlled trial. Place and Duration: Department of Obstetr ... Read More

Objective: To evaluate the safety and efficacy of initiating misoprostol using latest International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetricians (FIGO) protocol in the management of first and second tri ... Read More

Objective: To validate the serum progesterone levels <20ng/ml as a predictor of spontaneous miscarriage amongst women with threatened miscarriage during the first trimester of pregnancy. Study Design ... Read More

Objective: To compare mean number of mature follicles and endometrial thickness in infertile patients having polycystic ovarian syndrome receiving clomiphene citrate and letrozole. Design: It was a r ... Read More

Informed consent is the foundation of medical practice. It is suggested that a strong, summarize and structured explanation of the problem and the procedural details were given prior to the procedure. ... Read More

Endometriosis is a condition in which the tissue that normally lines the endometrium of uterine cavity grows outside the uterus. It is often painful condition and commonly involves ovaries, pelvic per ... Read More

Abdominopelvic tuberculosis case series with variable gynecological symptoms are presented to highlight its frequency among Pakistani women. The study was carried out at MCH Centre, Pakistan Institute ... Read More

Background: Heavy menstrual bleeding (HMB) in adolescents is a very common problem but the diagnosis is often delayed due to its embarrassing nature, fear of disease and ignorance of the severity of t ... Read More

Objective: To determine the pattern of perinatal mortality and its related obstetric risk factors. Material and Methods: It was a retrospective study carried out from January 2014 to December 2015. A ... Read More

Objective: Efficacy of WHO safety checklist in obstetrics in collaboration with anesthesia. Methodology: The study was conducted to evaluate the implementation of WHO safety checklists in both electi ... Read More

Objective: To assess the impact of maternal obesity on the mode of delivery by comparing it with women of normal BMI. Study design: Retrospective, observational cohort study. Place & duration: Depar ... Read More

Objective: To compare the efficacy of phloroglucinol i/v and drotaverine hydrochloride by measuring the mean duration of active phase of the first stage of labour in primigravidae at term. Place and ... Read More

Objective: To assess the role of vitamin D deficiency and perceive the outcomes of ART among vitamin D deficient females in infertile females attending infertility clinic in Riyadh Saudi Arabia. Plac ... Read More

Objectives: To determine the frequency of hypertriglyceridemia in women with pre-eclampsia Study design: Descriptive study. Settings: Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology MCH, PIMS Hospital, Isl ... Read More

Objective: To determine the trends in obstetrics and gynaecology patients presenting in the Emergency department. Place and Duration of Study: Gynae Unit I, Sir Ganga Ram Hospital, Fatima Jinnah Medi ... Read More

Objective: To determine the causes of thrombocytopenia in pregnancy along with the maternal and neonatal outcomes. Methodology: This descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted in Department of G ... Read More

Objective: To determine the frequency of stillbirth and analyze its causes at Mother and Child Health Center (MCH) at Federal Government Polyclinic (FGPC) Islamabad Pakistan. Place and Duration: The ... Read More

Objective: To compare the efficacy of letrozole versus Clomiphene Citrate for successful pregnancy rate in patients with polycystic ovarian syndrome. Study Design: Randomized Controlled Trial. Place ... Read More

Subfertility is a worldwide problem. In a developing country like Pakistan, the management of subfertility faces various challenges which might differ in frequency, intensity and the type faced in the ... Read More