Objective: To assess parturient satisfaction during intrapartum and postpartum period of childbirth. To evaluate the hospital services. Study Design: Cross sectional study. Place and Duration: Maternity and Child Hospital at Al Ahasa, Saudi Arabia. Methodology: A sample of 461 women were recruited in the study from a period of January 2018 to May 2018. All pregnant women in labor either having obstetrical or any medical complications at term were included in study after their informed consent. Preterm labor and women undergoing induction of labour are not included in the study during this period. Data Collection: Data collection took place in the post-natal ward at the time of discharge. The attending nurse got the questionnaire filled by the parturient. Results: The Parturient satisfaction assessed on four Likert scale for Attitudes of doctors and nurses, Intrapartum and Postpartum care. Global satisfaction and its rating score has also been done. The total mean satisfaction score was 43.16 (SD 3.12). Score greater than 47 was considered significant. The mean subscale score for attitudes of nurses and doctors was 24.8351 (SD 1.67687). Score > 27 was considered significant. The mean subscale for intrapartum care was 12.6095 (SD 1.40009). The score considered significant if > 14.The mean subscale for postpartum care was 5.7202 (SD 0.63057). The score was considered significant if > 7. Majority of parturient were satisfied with above three satisfaction scales in descriptive statistics but these were not found statistically significant according to the significance cut-off score devised for each satisfaction subscale. However, the Pearson correlation of global satisfaction rating score with three satisfaction subscale items found significant, P- value < 0.5. Significant associations (by using Chi-square test) of independent with dependent variables were found p-value < 0.05. Conclusion: The postpartum contraception advice needs a room for further adherence. Further studies are needed to evaluate and compare parturient satisfaction in all public maternity hospital in Saudi Arabia to know where and how much improvement in the standard of client services needed.

Fehmida Tehsin, Amira Okud Mohammed, Latifa Lassoued, Sayed Ibrahim Ali, 5. Abdullah Mustafa al- Kishi. (2018) Parturient Satisfaction with Intrapartum and Postpartum care in A Maternity Referral Hospital at Al Ahsa, Saudi Arabia, Journal of the Society of Obstetrics and Gynaecologists of Pakistan , Volume-08, Issue-3.
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