Pakistan has witnessed a rapid increase in population since independence in 1947. A country with a population of 33 million in 1947 has reached 207 million in 2017 – a massive population explosion.1 Besides this, Pakistan, with the exception of Afghanistan has one of the highest fertility rates in the region with the growth rate of 1.89% and the lowest rate of contraceptive use. The high fertility rate and the rapidly increasing population has contributed in making Pakistan the sixth most populous country in the world after China, India, USA, Indonesia and Brazil - all of which are countries with a vast area. Comparing Pakistan’s 310,401 square miles to 741,096 square miles of India and 3,286,470 of Brazil demonstrates the scarcity of land in Pakistan and its huge population density. The subject of family planning and contraception is unwelcome and less discussed even among healthcare professionals in Pakistan. Society, at large, has different approaches and misconceptions about contraceptive methods or use of methods to limit the family size.2

Rubina Sohail. (2018) Investing in Family Planning in Pakistan – Road to Redemption, Journal of the Society of Obstetrics and Gynaecologists of Pakistan , Volume-08, Issue-4.
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