Objective: To determine the pattern of perinatal mortality and its related obstetric risk factors. Material and Methods: It was a retrospective study carried out from January 2014 to December 2015. All patients delivered in Gynae Unit-II during the study period were included. These women were advised for follow up in OPD one week after delivery. The perinatal deaths including still births and ENND within 7 days of birth were taken into account. Those with less than 28 weeks of pregnancy were excluded. The data was collected from perinatal mortality register, also gathering information of data like age, parity, period of gestation, complications during pregnancy, labor and mode of deliveries. Perinatal data included weight, reported gestational age, sex of baby, Apgar score at birth and possible causes of death. Results: During the period of two years, 20,231 deliveries were conducted. There were 1373 perinatal deaths. 867 were still born while 506 died within seven days of birth. The overall perinatal mortality rate was 67.8/1000 total births and still birth rate 42.9/1000 total births. Main risk factors were mechanical in 21% cases followed by prematurity in 20.3 and hypertensive disorders in 18.8% cases. Antepartum haemorrahge was found in 11.8% while maternal infections / medical problems in 6.5%, congenital anomalies were found in 4.4% and neonatal problems in 15.3%. Conclusion: Strong association of perinatal mortality was noted with lack of antenatal care, preterm gestational age, and low birth weight. So provision of good maternity services including antenatal, intrapartum care and emergency obstetric and neonatal care services at doorstep of women will help in reducing the perinatal death in developing countries.

Nabeela Waheed, Saira Ahmed, Khansa Iqbal, Saadat Naqvi. (2018) Pattern of Perinatal Mortality Among Deliveries at Holy Family Hospital Rawalpindi, Journal of the Society of Obstetrics and Gynaecologists of Pakistan , Volume-08, Issue-1.
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