Objective: To determine the efficacy of post placental intrauterine copper t-380A contraceptive device in terms of reduced expulsion rate and improved continuity in Pakistan. Methodology: This descriptive study was carried out at Railway General Hospital from January 2013 to July 2013. All those patients aged 25-45 years delivered vaginally or by caesarean section were offered to enroll in the study provided they met the inclusion and exclusion criteria. CuT380A Intrauterine contraceptive device was inserted in the uterine cavity within 10 minutes after delivery of placenta and presence of threads in vagina coupled with the desire to continue this method was assessed for the efficacy. Results: In our study, majority of the patients i.e. 61.33%(n=92) were between 36-45 years of age, mean+SD was calculated as 37.54+4.32 years, 43.33%(n=65) between 1-5 paras while 56.67%(n=85) had >5 paras. Regarding frequency of efficacy of post placental intrauterine copper t-380A contraceptive device in terms of expulsion rate and continuity; it was found efficacious in 82.67%(n=124) of cases. Conclusion: The results depict significantly higher efficacy of post placental intrauterine copper t-380A contraceptive device in terms of expulsion rate and continuity and it can be employed in our country to avoid the termination of unplanned pregnancies by trained/untrained professionals as this is considered illegal in Pakistan

Samina Firdous, Wajiha Shadab, Azra Saeed. (2017) Efficacy of Intrauterine Copper T-380A Contraceptive Device in Postpartum Period, Journal of the Society of Obstetrics and Gynaecologists of Pakistan , Volume-07, Issue-4.
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