Objective: To determine the frequency of factors leading to peripartum hysterectomy. Methodology: After getting approval from ethical committee of the institute, this present study was conducted at ... Read More

Objective: In this study, we assessed BMI as a risk factor for recurrent preeclampsia so that proper counseling and antenatal care would be given in order to provide a good outcome in subsequent pregn ... Read More

Objective: To compare the effect of intrauterine progesterone with oral progesterone in treatment of DUB. Study Design: Randomized Control Trial. Place and Duration: Outdoor & indoor patients in obs ... Read More

Objective: To determine the frequency and acceptance of post-partum and post-abortion long-acting reversible contraceptive methods (LARC) at Maternal and Child Health Center (MCHC), Pakistan Institute ... Read More

Objective: To determine the association of abnormal pap-smear results in women with the main triggering factors of their life. Methodology: Pap-smear test was performed in 160 female patients (20 to ... Read More

Objective: To emphasize the importance of vaccination against rubella in reproductive age group by introducing MMR vaccination in EPI programme. Study design: Descriptive study. Place and Duration: ... Read More

Objective: To compare the mean postoperative narcotic analgesia in patients undergoing cesarean section with and without bupivacaine infiltration Methodology: Its a randomized controlled trial conduc ... Read More

Objective: (1) To determine the reasons of refusal for insertion of postpartum intrauterine contraceptive device. (2) To determine the alternative contraceptive choices Study design: Cross-sectional ... Read More

Objective: To determine the efficacy of post placental intrauterine copper t-380A contraceptive device in terms of reduced expulsion rate and improved continuity in Pakistan. Methodology: This descri ... Read More

Pakistan’s latest estimated population is 207,774,520 (excluding autonomous regions Azad Kashmir and Gilgit). This makes Pakistan the fifth most populous country in the world, just behind Indonesia an ... Read More

The case presented here is of HELLP syndrome which poses a great challenge especially when it is managed in a peripheral hospital. The patient was managed promptly with urgent caesarean section and su ... Read More

Ectopic pregnancy is a life-threatening complication occurring in approximately 1% of all pregnancies. It still continues to be an important cause of maternal morbidity and mortality. Combination of c ... Read More

Objective: To determine the prevalence of depression and its association with various gynecological conditions in women presenting at MCH Centre, PIMS. Study Design: A questionnaire-based, Cross-sect ... Read More

Objectives: To determine the frequency of low, normal and high weight gain in pregnancy among primigravidas having normal pre-pregnancy BMI and to compare the frequency of cesarean section among these ... Read More

Background: Eclampsia is a serious obstetrical complication especially in developing countries. Eclampsia is the occurrence of fits in pregnancy without any cerebral disorders after 24 weeks of pregna ... Read More

Objective: To determine and compare awareness of obstetricians and gynecologists regarding the role of physical therapy in managing gynecological and obstetric patients in private and government hospi ... Read More

Objective: The purpose of this study was to study the association of breast self-examination knowledge and practice with socio-demographic characteristics and stage at presentation in newly diagnosed ... Read More

Objectives: The neonatal outcome in patients with fetal nuchal cord and find out safe mode of delivery accordingly. Methodology: This analytical study of 168 cases of cord around the neck was carried ... Read More

Objectives: To evaluate the efficacy of letrozole plus metformin in comparison to clomiphene citrate (CC) alone and clomiphene citrate plus metformin in ovulation induction treatment, in Pakistani’s i ... Read More

OBJECTIVE : To study post surgical infections and sensitivity of the isolates so that recommendations can be made for their prevention and empirical antibiotic treatment in obstetric and gynaecologica ... Read More

Objective: To compare the role of chewing gum as a predictor of bowel activity after the elective cesarean section in females presenting at term for delivery. Methodology: Non-Probability, consecut ... Read More

Objective: To determine the frequency of post cesarean wound infections in a tertiary care hospital. Material and methods: This descriptive cross sectional study was conducted at Department of Gynaec ... Read More

Globally depression is among major causes of disability related to disease among women. Women are twice as likely to suffer from major depression as compared to men. The highest prevalence of depressi ... Read More

Severe preeclampsia and eclampsia are predominant causes of maternal and perinatal morbidity and mortality in many parts of the world. The sudden loss of vision is less common and worrying effect of s ... Read More

Leiomyoma is considered as the commonest benign tumor of the genital tract. This case represents a young unmarried lady who presented with a history of progressive abdominal distension for 6 months. O ... Read More

The present study investigates the impacts of traumatic conditions on the lexes of the fictional characters. The researchers have selected text samples from a Victorian English novel Tess of the D’Urb ... Read More

Objectives: To compare the efficacy of nifedipine and nitroglycerine in preterm labour for prolongation of pregnancy for at least 48 hours. Study Design: A Randomized control trail. Methodology: Thi ... Read More

Objective; To compare the fetal outcome of anaemic pregnant women with matched nonanaemic pregnant women. Study Design; Cohort study. Place and Duration of Study; Department of obstetrics and gynaeco ... Read More

Objective: To determine the frequency and maternal outcome in morbidly adherent placenta in obstetrics patients. Study design: Descriptive, cross-sectional study. Setting and duration: Department of ... Read More

Objective:To compare the frequency of malpresentation complication between Grand multipara and multipara. Study design: Descriptive Case Series. Place and duration of study:Department o ... Read More

Objective: The Current study was designed to investigate the moderating role of menopausal status between somatic symptoms and development of psychological symptoms including depression, ... Read More

Objectives:To compare the iron status of new-born’s 48 hrs. after birth in delayed versus early umbilical cord clamping.Study design:Randomized controlled trials with double blinding Setting: De ... Read More

Objective:To compare the efficacy between twice and thrice dosage of norethisterone to avoid menstrual bleeding during Hajj and Umrah. Study Setting: Gynaecology OPD (Pakistan Air Force H ... Read More

Objective: As laparoscopic hysterectomy is gaining popularity, requires an evaluation of the risk of complications. Study Design: Cross Sectional Study, non-Probability Consecutive Sampling. Set ... Read More

Objectives: To compare the efficacy of combined probiotic and antibiotic therapy with antibiotic therapy alone in treatment of bacterial vaginosis. Study design: Randomized controlled trial. Setting ... Read More

More than 8,000 women die and about 150,000 women suffer from postpartum hemorrhage complications every year in Pakistan, Primary postpartum hemorrhage, rightly called as obstetrician's nightmare, is ... Read More

Objective: To determine the frequency of different structural congenital anomalies by antenatal ultrasound at gestation age of 11-24 weeks. Study Design: Cross-sectional study Place and Duration: Pat ... Read More

Objective: To determine the frequency of indications and factors leading to emergency peripartum hysterectomy. Methodology: This descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted at the department of ob ... Read More

Objective: The main objective of the present study was to find out the difference between prenatal and postnatal scores on measures of Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale (EPDS) and Postnatal Depress ... Read More

Objective: Urinary tract infection (UTI) is a common clinical problem, often seen in late pregnancy. The infection and its management may have adverse effects on the pregnancy outcome. This study is d ... Read More

Objective: To determine the outcome of abdominal sacrohysteropexy, surgical technique for the management of uterovaginal prolapse using prolene mesh, in terms of success rate. Design: Descriptive Case ... Read More

Objective: Objective of the study was to determine the maternal mortality ratio and major causes of maternal mortality in different tertiary care hospitals representing each province of Pakistan. Stud ... Read More

Objective: To evaluate the clinical outcome of our breast cancer patients who had non-palpable lesions following neoadjuvant chemotherapy and required wire localized lump excision. Apart from survival ... Read More

Objective: To investigate the differences in hypoactive sexual desire disorder, sexual distress, and quality of life between women with surgical menopause and women with natural menopause. Study Desig ... Read More

Objective: The aim of this study was to identify clinical features, prognostic factors and the rising trend associated with peripartum cardiomyopathy(PPCM) in our setup. Study Design: Descriptive Cas ... Read More

Maternal Mortality refers to the death of mother’s due to complications of pregnancy and childbirth. Maternal Mortality is the highest single reason of premature deaths worldwide. Owing to great inter ... Read More