Objectives: To determine the frequency of low, normal and high weight gain in pregnancy among primigravidas having normal pre-pregnancy BMI and to compare the frequency of cesarean section among these females with low, normal and high gestational weight gain at term. Study design: Descriptive case study. Place and duration of study: This study was done at unit III Lady Willingdon Hospital/KEMU Lahore for a duration of six months from 1.1.2015 to 30.06.2015. Methodology: One hundred and ninety women were selected through Non-Probability, Consecutive sampling technique. Weight and height of all women were recorded and gestational weight gain was calculated. Three groups were formed and women were followed up till delivery. Mode of delivery was noted and cesarean section was labeled. All this information was recorded through study proforma. The Statistical analysis was carried out using SPSS version 20. Results: Mean age of women included in the study was 26.55±4.93 years. The mean BMI of women was 23.05±1.75. The current mean weight of women at term was 66.14±6.73 kg. Total mean weight gain by the women was 13.87±4.83 kg. The gestational weight gain was low in 53(27.9%) women, 75(39.5%) women gained normal weight and 62(32.6%) women gained high weight. There were 108(56.84%) women who had cesarean section. Among these women 27(25%) had low weight gain, 33(30.6%) had normal weight gain and 48(44.4%) women had high weight gain. A statistically significant association was seen in between gestational weight gain and cesarean section. Conclusions: With high gestational weight gain, there are more chances of cesarean section and increased BMI during pregnancy is a common indication for cesarean section.

Nadeem Shahzad, Hifza Waqar, Saleh Muhammad, Daniyal Nadeem. (2017) Relationship of Pre-Pregnancy Body Mass Index and Gestational Weight gain on Mode of Delivery at Term Pregnancies in Primigravida’s, Journal of the Society of Obstetrics and Gynaecologists of Pakistan , Volume-07, Issue-3.
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