Betrayal is not only a sin but also a curse and an evil that has engulfed the entire society. This curse is giving rise to many evils such as theft, robbery, murder, lying, suspicion, dishonesty, and fraud. In a society where such evils occur, it certainly destructs. Present society has the same situation, and society is going towards destruction with the passage of time. We can see the same condition which existed in the ignorant Arabia before the rise of Islam. Sadly, today's man has forgotten the Islamic teachings and instructions. Human is moving for destruction with the passage of time. Islam has instructed to human beings that betrayal is a major sin that destroys one's trust, confidence and belief. Therefore human should avoid from it to save his worldly and hereafter life. There is a need to follow the teachings of Islam in order to improve the condition of the society. Then the balanced environment can be possible in society. The aim was of this research to highlight the social effects of betrayal on present society in the light of Islamic teachings. This research can be useful and informative regarding it's specific objective for scholars and readers.

Dr Aijaz Ali Khoso, Dr Naseem Akhter. (2021) The Social Effects Of Betrayal On Present Society (An Overview From Islamic Perspective), The International Research Journal Department of Usooluddin, Volume-05, Issue-1.
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