Society is called a group. That is a group of individuals whose basic needs depend upon common relationships in human life. People who are living in this society, they do not have to belong to the same tribe or the same religion. Islamic Society does not accept any kind of difference such as caste, color, and race. Islamic society is one of the best societies of this universe of human beings, in which the life of a human being follows the teachings of Islam. Islam has a significant role in every aspect of human life such as; on the beliefs and worship of human beings, in the law and order of the state and moral matters, etc. The basic characteristics of Islamic society are included peace, harmony, brotherhood, equality, justice, and tolerance, etc. Islam advises humans to spend their life according to the suggested characteristics of Islamic society. Because his key to the success of here (world) and the day of judgment are hidden in it. The word ethic brings harmony in the spiritual and physical attributes of a person. When a look has at history, it is clear that Hadrat Muhammad (PBUH) was an excellent example, due to his spiritual and apparent moral values. Islam teaches human beings to follow the life of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) to sustain peace and harmony in society. Islamic system preaches good moral values and indicates ways to get saved from ill-mannered behavior. An individual with good moral values reflects good faith and blessings of Almighty Allah. Islam is based on moral values for a society where people live at individual and community level is having its basis on spiritualism and moral values depicted through divine teaching. But we can see the lack of ethics in educational institutes and contemporary society. Every day we see a lot of unethical character and habits in people, teachers, administration, and students, it is an alarming situation for us. It shows that we are going toward the downfall over time. This research work aimed to explain the need for ethical techniques in the development of Islamic society and educational institution with Islamic perspective. This research work can be useful and informative for readers and researchers.

Dr Aijaz Ali Khoso, Dr Naseem Akhter. (2021) The Need For Ethical Techniques In The Development Of Islamic Society And Educational Institutes (A Research Study), The International Research Journal Department of Usooluddin, Volume-05, Issue-1.
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