The holy Quran was descended by Allah for the guidance of human beings, and its major aim is to make human life righteous in this world and successful in the hereafter. The Quran was revealed to achieve this objective, and to achieve this objective it has emphasized on many other objectives as well, one of them is to raise an Ummah. The formation of an Ummah is one of the basic and important aims of the holy Quran. The holy Quran has discussed the topic of "Ummah" in many of its verses and ordered Muslims to remain associated with Ummah. The word "Ummah" is used for a group of people which has some common grounds. So, Ummah is referred to a group of people having a common aim, one basic goal of life, a different code of life and way of living. Muslim Ummah is the name of a group of Muslims who have one center, one beginning, one foundation, and same goals and aims in life. Muslim Ummah must be characterized by some attributes which distinguish it from other nations. Some of these characteristics are mentioned in the holy Quran directly and some are indirectly referred. Among these characteristics the most important ones are: Spiritualism, Knowledge, Moderation, Unity and others. As a consequence of these attributes some duties arise, such as: Believe in Allah, Submission to His commands, Establishing brotherhood and justice, and completing the mission of Rasulullah صلى الله عليه وسلم by being his successors… etc. This article intends to discuss the word "Ummah", its meanings, definition and attributes of Muslim Ummah in the light of qur'anic verses, and Muslim Ummah's important duties pertaining to these attributes.

Hafsa Ghazi Farooqi. (2021) An Overview Of Attributes Of Ummah, Challenges And Responsibilities In The Light Islamic Teachings, The International Research Journal Department of Usooluddin, Volume-05, Issue-1.
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