This paper is highlighting some of those issues which really are addressable by religious scholars of present era on priority basis. As human life is much variable, number of aspects come forth time to time which require religious guidance about them. Al-Mighty Allah not only sends human being with some clear instructions, rather also provide a tool to keep Islamic shari’ah dynamic named Ijtihad. Ijtihad is a continuous process to tackle the newly faced issues. In this paper, eight touching issues are highlighted to be addressed. The ample legal guidance in the light of Islamic shari’ahabout these issues will definitely helpful for Muslim ummah to deal these matters as per commandments of Almighty Allah and minimize their conflicts which destroy their unity.

Sajila Kausar, Muhammad Imran. (2020) Addressable Issues Of Ijtihad Of The Muslim World Today, The International Research Journal Department of Usooluddin, Volume-04, Issue-1.
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