Tasawwuf began as early as Prophet Muhammad SAW got the message of Allah. Tasawwuf is as Old as Islam itself. In fact, Tasawwu f is the soul inside the body of Islam which Allah SUBHANHOO WA TAALA prescribed for humanity. Islam is a complete code of life for humanity and encompasses all aspects of human life. The body of Islam consist of Imaniat, Ibadaat, social and collective life i.e Muamilat and finally the personal character of man and woman, Akhlaqiat, which includes the Supreme qualities of head and heart, good manners, good talks and good intensions. Islamic system of Shariat is based on these our basic tenets and a human being has to observe all these four tenets of they want to live their life in accordance with Quran and Sunnah. the subject of Quran is human life and its various aspects. One of the major themes, on which teaching of the Quran are based, is Akhlaqiat, ie good manners. The Holy Quran pleads for good manners and forbids manners otherwise. A glance at the history of absent of Islam in the subcontinent reveals that islam reached here in the year 712AD. Islam entered the subcontinent through Sindh when Muhammad bin Qasim brought the message of Islam which spread like a wild fire. After Bin Qasim this message was carry on by great Mashaekh such that Abul Yazid, Khawaja Moeenuddin Chishti, Abul Hasan Hajweri, RA and the likes caused the spread of Islamic teachings through their exemplary manners and practical display of Supreme morals as contained in Quran and Sunnah. In this regard it is said that 9 million people embraced Islam at the hands of Moeenuddin Chishti RA. These Mashaikh made a lot of efforts to reform the society by spreading the message of Islam and in particular the observance of high moral and ethical standards.This article focuses on what contribution did such Mashaikh kiram made to the spread of Tasawwuf and will attempt to analyse and describe the historical facts about the services of some of these such Mashaikh towards the growth and practice of Tasawwuf in the subcontinent and what effects did their moral teachings had on the people at large.

Badshah Rehman, Haroon ur Rashid. (2019) An Analysis Of The Influences Of Tasawwuf In The Subcontinent From The Early Days Of The Advent Of Islam And Afterwards, The International Research Journal Department of Usooluddin, Volume-03, Issue-1.
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