This research paper explores the narrations of the prophets described in the Makki and Madani Chapters of the Holy Quran in the perspective of the Holy Prophet’s Seerah. The Holy Prophet (PBUH) was sent for all mankind till the day of Judgement. His prophet hood was for everyone. His first addressees were the infidels of the Arabia. Secondly all humankind of the world was his addressees. The relieved Quran consists of the stories of the prophets and their nations. These stories are present in the Makki surahs as well as in the Madani surahs. Therefore, it is obvious that Madani surahs cannot be comprehend without understanding the Makki surahs. It means that there is deep connection between them which is the evidence of continuation and link between the Makki and Madani Seerah of the Holy Prophet. In this context different narration in Makki and Madani surahs are there, for example, narrations of Adam (A.S) and Devil, Nooh (A.S), Ibrahim (A.S), Maryam (A.S) and Esa (A.S), Mosa (A.S), the fellows of the Sabt, etc, which shows that these narrations are described in both type of surahs in a logical and rational way. Also, the lives of the prophets and the condition of their nations are discussed in the Makki surahs including the conditions of the opponents and allies of the prophets. That was an evolutionary practice in which the voice of the holy Prophet spread steadily. After the migration to Madinah, a third group also came into being along with the Muslims and Non-Muslims, i-e, hypocrites (Munafiqeen) who were apparently Muslims but in fact infidels. This group along with the Jews and Mushrikeen were involved in anti-Islamic activities. In Madani surah, the role of Hypocrites, Mushrikeen and Jews were evidenced which is a continuous evolution of the narrations of the prophets. Some of Madani surahs are discussed here that clearly describe the above mentioned topic. The summary is that subjects mentioned in the Makki and Madani surah are mutually connected and the subjects described in Madani surahs are in fact the complement of the Makki surahs. Therefore, the matters of Quran should be considered in the context of continuity without the division of Makki and Madani surahs.

Abdul Rehman Khan, Muhammad Ishaq, Nighat Akram. (2019) The Consistency And Evolution In The Narrations Of The Prophets (A.S) Described In The Makki And Madani Chapters In The Perspective Of The Holy Prophet’s Seerah (Pbuh), The International Research Journal Department of Usooluddin, Volume-03, Issue-1.
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