Negation is a linguistically and psychologically complex phenomenon. Negation is considered as the stylistic feature for foregrounding purposes. Language is not natural but consists of many ideological instances. Therefore, language is always present with social and political structures which is either covert or overt, depending upon the speaker. This study is thus made in order to establish that negation does not only foregrounds any particular theme, but it highlights many ideological instances within the texts. The present study probes two questions firstly, for how the reader/audience successfully creates the desired meaning from the text through negation. Secondly, how negation, in turn, controls the ideology of the reader/ audience. This study thus probes that how effectively negation turn out to be the tool for ideology analysis.

Safiyyah Ihsan . (2017) NEGATION AND IDEOLOGY: ANALYSIS OF RANDOMLY SELECTED NEWSPAPER ADVERTISEMENTS, Journal of Social Sciences & Interdisciplinary Research, Volume 6, Issue 2.
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