Having a proper insight into human cognition in sentence processing strategies, this study explored the nature of sentence processing strategies in relation to language proficiency levels. Facing the problem that why some EFL learners tend to parse differently (i.e., use Minimal Attachment and Late Closure Strategies) and the need to validate the suggested strategies were the motives behind this study. Receiving the PET, some Iranian adult EFL learners were classified into three levels of proficiency. Three level-based sentence comprehension tests along with a 'Think- Aloud Protocol' were employed for data collection. Findings revealed not only the construct validity of both strategies but also the level-dependent nature of them, moderate effect size on Late Closure strategy use and higher means on Late Closure strategy were revealed. Therefore, certain parsing strategies are associated with language proficiency level proving the fact that language proficiency level is an effective parameter as far as human cognition in language processing in general and sentence processing in particular are concerned. Moreover, not only is there relationship among language proficiency levels and the strategy use but the nature of relationship varies depending on language proficiency level and strategy type.

Gholam-Reza Abbasian, Sahar Moeenian. (2014) INVESTIGATION AND VALIDATION OF SENTENCE PARSING STRATEGIES: A PSYCHOLINGUISTIC APPROACH, Journal of Social Sciences & Interdisciplinary Research, Volume 3, Issue 2.
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