Violence against women assumes various forms in Pakistan. It is a general problem which is reportedly perpetuated because of the unequal power relations between men and women. Recently, the rapid increase in reporting of gender based violence by the mass media to the law enforcing agencies has served as a beacon of hope towards attenuation of this problem.. However, this encouraging trend and the efforts to completely curb this ill depend largely on the victims resolve to report the mistreatment done to them. This implies that women survivors of violence must be empowered to share their voices. Subh-e-Nau project was a project initiated on these lines and primarily focused on empowering Pakistani women survivors of violence to voice their position on the incidents they faced and the violent treatment meted out to them. These women survivors of violence were encouraged to use digital means to share their voices and positions. This paper presents the digital stories developed by the women survivors of violence during this project. Using the gendered outcome mapping framework for observing the changes in their behavior through this intervention, two major behavior transformations were identified. Firstly, they improved their self confidence and motivation by learning to use ICT, and secondly, they had a sense of fulfillment by learning a powerful medium to express themselves more strongly on global levels.

Qaisar Khalid Mahmood, Sana Shams . (2012) EMPOWERING WOMEN SURVIVORS OF VIOLENCE THROUGH TECHNOLOGY, Journal of Social Sciences & Interdisciplinary Research, Volume 1, Issue 2.
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