The major aim of this study was to develop a Likert type motivation scale that measure teachers‟
motivation at secondary level. This teacher motivation scale is named as Sajid teacher motivation
scale (STMS). This scale was based on Fredrick Herzberg two factor motivation-hygiene theory.
Initially, 39 items of STMS were developed under the light of Herzberg two factor motivationhygiene theory and was administered to 53 secondary school teachers of public schools from three
districts of Punjab. Exploratory factor analysis was conducted to identify the factors in teacher
motivation scale. Five factors were identified on the basis of cumulative variance explained value of
57.634. 35 items of the STMS were finalized after the factor loading analysis. Five factors were role
of administration (11 items); achievement (6 items); pay and job protection (6 items); career and
advancement (8 items); interpersonal relations (4 items). The Cronbach‟s alpha value of the entire
scale was 0.926; for each subscale, alpha ranged from 0.70 to 0.926. Discriminative validity was also
established. The results indicated that the Sajid teacher motivation scale was valid and reliable. STMS
can be used to assess teacher motivation at secondary level.
Muhammad Sajid, Rizwan Akram Rana, Syed Nadeem Tahir. (2018) Development of Teacher Motivation Scale at Secondary Level, Journal of Research and Reflections in Education, Volume 12, Issue 2.
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