All mighty Allah (SWT) has created man and made him crown of the nature. For the physical needs of human being, Allah provided him all the needful things. In the same way, Allah (SWT) sent his prophets for the spiritual guidance of mankind. Prophet Muhammad (SAW) was the last messenger of this chain of the prophets. The Prophet hood of Muhammad (SAW) was for the whole of the mankind, for all the people till the day of judgment. Because Allah (SWT) called him the “Seal of the prophets”. And it the gift of Allah to whom he wants to give, he gives. Nobody can achieve this (prophet hood) by its struggle. All the prophets of Allah (SWT) were given instructions through revelation. Some people, who were unable to accept Islam, would make jokes of the teachings of the Prophet (SAW) , but he continued his mission and the world witnessed a day when Islam spread all over the world. Some non-Muslims, specially the orientalists, tried to pin point some aspects of the life of the Holy Prophets (in their thinking) but as Allah (SWT) said: And we raised high your name. (Al-Quran: 94: 4) Lesley Hazelton is one of those orientalists. She wrote many books about Islam. Her famous book is “The First Muslim-The Story of Muhammad” in which she has targeted many aspects of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (SAW) . This article discusses her views about the Prophet hood, Revelation and the Miracles of the Holy Prophet (SAW) . It is out of the human mind to understand the reality of the Prophet hood and revelation. It is the gift of Allah to whom he wants, He gives prophet hood. The family, fame, wealth and physical strength cannot be the reasons for the achievement of Prophet hood. The human mind cannot grab the reality of the revelation. How it comes to a prophet and how he catches it, that is far from understanding because it is something related to spirituality. The reality of Miracles too cannot be grabbed by human mind. Many miracles happened to many prophets to call the human beings to the path of Allah (SWT) . These miracles were not magic as many magicians failed in competing with them. Lesely counts the Holy Prophet Muhammad (SAW) as a common man and that is why she says that miracles cannot happen while the visit of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (SAW) to the heavens is on the record. The Holy Qur’an presents it as evidence that the Holy Prophet (SAW) was taken to the Heavens by All mighty Allah and many Signs were shown to him. Lesely puts such events in a psychological event and we say it is her mind and not the reality.

محمد اسلام, جانس خان. (2019) سیرت نبویﷺ کے منتخب موضوعات (نبوت، وحی اور معجزات) سے متعلق لزلے ہزلٹن کے آراء کا تحقیقی جائزہ, Bannu University Research Journal in Islamic Studies, Volume 6, Issue 1.
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