In this era, many people argue from hadiths which are not proven by the Holy Prophet. There are even some people who are attached to the knowledge of Hadith. Those who have made up their minds that ... Read More

Poverty is one of the most deplore disabilities that can afflict a person or a nation, unfortunately poverty seems to be increasing in the world. Eradicating of poverty is a major challenge of the e ... Read More

With the emergence of a significant number of studies on workplace spirituality and religion, this paper aims to comprehend the employee's insight regarding perception and understanding of the meani ... Read More

This paper attempts to examine some of the challenges facing Islamic education system in Nigeria. The paper highlights what could be the solution to many challenges facing Islamic education, especia ... Read More

It is a fact that the Islamic and Western civilizations have their long-term impacts on the human beings. Both thoughts (Islamic and the Western) are taken as the most powerful and influential thoug ... Read More

The comparison between Islamic Renaissance and Western Renaissance reveals similarities as well as the differences between the two. The comparison delineates different aspects of movements such as p ... Read More

Religion is one of the basic institution of a society which characterised by equal opportunities to men and women. The fundamental point of the inquiry was to discover the strict deterrents looking ... Read More

Nigeria witnesses a successful 19th century Sokoto jihad carryout by Fulani leads by sheikh Usman bin Fodio in the reviving and spreading Islam among the Muslim and non-Muslim in the area, this arti ... Read More

Al-qawāʿid al-fiqhīyah or legal maxims of Islamic Law are the general rules of fiqh that depict the goals and objectives of the Sharīʿah. They are applied in numerous circumstances that come under t ... Read More

This paper sheds light on the Islamic sense in the poetry of the Jordanian poet Ghazi Al-Jamal, a sense that gives poetry more beauty, elegance and sincerity of passion. It discusses several element ... Read More

Issues about which the Shari'ah does not state any decisive and categorical order, such as the Shari'ah does in liquor, interest, adultery, etc. rather by keeping in view their ease and convenience ... Read More

Law plays an important role in the establishment of any peaceful society. The world at large needs to have some sort of constitution. Islam, being proactive, devised important rules about 1440 years ... Read More

The full name of Binte Shat’e (1913-1998) is Ayesha Binte Abdur Rahman. She is known as Binte Shat’e because she started writing with this name. She was a prolific writer, poetess, historian and see ... Read More

Devine guidance has been gifted to humanity on its creation. The duties assigned by religion to human beings are for the betterment of individuals and their society. Among the common practices of re ... Read More

For the betterment and bringing peace and prosperity in the human society, alongside the preaching of goodwill, the most essential thing is the implementation of the concept of punishment and reward ... Read More

Sex Crimes erode society. Today everyone see through media that everywhere sex crimes are happening. Rape, harassment and sexuality cases are growing day by day; even some organizations are encourag ... Read More

Man has been in association with economy since his creation. Agriculture and trade has a vital role in economic system. In olden ages the concept of trade was limited but with the passage of time it ... Read More

The growth of Islamic banking system since the previous two decades is phenomenal, the demand and expectation of the Muslim population all around the world is also increasing from the system, to cou ... Read More


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