Ahmad shoqi is acknowledged as king of the modern Arabic poetry for his a lot of contribution towards it. He compiled the poetry in new poetical style and introduced several varieties in which he is awarded the title of “King of the Poetry”. Beside these attempts he contributed to the contemporary prosaic arts like; novels, dramas, anecdotes, dialogues, biography, social and political issues, which is somehow appreciated by a group of writers and condemned by another for some reasons. His prose did not gain the status as compared to his status in poetry. Many aspects of his prose were analytically discussed by the scholars but the thematic trend in his prose – according to my knowledge- is not taken in research. This article focused on the issue in research with the descriptive manner and the above mentioned themes are analyzed. Wherever, there is failure occurred in the prose that is pointed out and criticized. Adding more, the literary features which saved the prose from decline somehow are put in. This research will meet the deficiency we examined in the books written down about his prosaic literature. This will also open a new door for new researchers to take the themes and extend it further.

ظهير, شمس الحسين, عرفان الله. (2018) اتجاهات جديدة في نثر شوقي، دراسة موضوعية, Bannu University Research Journal in Islamic Studies, Volume 5, Issue 1.
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