This paper aims at highlighting the perspective of Islam regarding prisoners’ dealing. In the light of Quranic verses and examples from the life of Muhammad (PBUH) , the last messenger of Allah and his companions, it has been shown that some 14 centuries back, although there were no formal settings to captivate the inmates, yet the prisoners in individual custody or incarcerated somewhere else such as Mosques, had full rights in terms of inborn dignity, humane treatments, fair justice, practicing religion etc. They were fully protected from the torture at the hands of occupying powers or individuals. Therefore, majority of them embraced Islam within custody and become firm believers before they were released. It is therefore, recommended that any prisoners’ reform strategy in the modern Era to be successful must take into consideration the glorious principles of Islam derived from Quran, authentic Hadith and the live examples of Muhammad (PBUH) and his companion.

Gul Rais, Sajjid Hussain. (2018) How to Deal With Prisoners: An Islamic Perspective, Bannu University Research Journal in Islamic Studies, Volume 5, Issue 1.
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