The experts from various fields have maintained some rules and regulations in understanding and acquiring skills in this field of knowledge. This is due to their efforts which make very simple to understand it similarly the experts of ʽilm-ul-Fiqah i.e. Mujtahedyn and respected Fuqahāʼ have formulated some rules and regulations in the light of Qurʼan, Sunnah and decision act of companions of Muhammad (SAW) which also made it not only simple but it furnish skills and strategies in solving problems in field of Fiqah. Important aspect in those rules and regulations is"الأصل في الأشياء الإباحة حتى يدل الدليل على التحريم" Which is to be discussed in this whole article.

بخت شید, سعید الحق جدون. (2015) فقہی قاعدہ "الأصل في الأشياء الإباحة" کی توضیح اور عملی تطبیق, Bannu University Research Journal in Islamic Studies, Volume 2, Issue 1.
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