Although the contribution of Ahmad Shoq┘ to Arabic literature, particularly to its poetry which is praised everywhere, which made him an authority and gained him the honor, yet there is a great contradiction between his fames and opposition; the fames accept him as lord of the poets while the opposition deny this status and title him as the poet of the lords. These contradictions made an unsatisfactory condition amongst the scholars about his personality and the contributions he added. The question is that; how much reality has the opinion of the denier? This article provides the evidences taken from his poetry and proves the realities about the blames raised by the opposition, and then solves the matter. It also makes a reader convinced to accept it, but not to forget the contribution made by this great poet of a great language with a huge literature.

شمس الحسين, محمد فياض. (2015) أحمد شوقي: شاعر الأمراء في القرن الرابع عشر, Bannu University Research Journal in Islamic Studies, Volume 2, Issue 2.
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