The loneliness during the wake of pandemic Covid-19 reminds the scholar of Wordsworth’s endeavor to find “jocund company” in days when she “Wandered lonely as a Cloud,” as her family quarantined during the corona. The objective outlined for this narrative analysis is to perceive a social responsibility that is rekindled as sanity emerges out of covid-19 breakout. The study highlights the ontological consciousness given by Hegel (2013) that emerges in critical times. In a solitary state of mind, poetry forms a variable to acquire an ontological consciousness in the backdrop of Hegel’s theory. This analysis addresses the problem of our isolation from community resulting in an existential anxiety. The narrative cites many American poets who invite us to reflect upon our lives and consider the scholastic logic of G.W.Hegel’s philosophical consciousness so inevitable to human evolution. This qualitative study analyzes the significance of reflection over mistakes that humanity has made over the past and view life with a new lens. This study aspires to be agentic in changing perspectives about life, thinking about multiple dimensions in binary oppositions that may trigger new understandings

Samina Najeeb. (2021) Effects of Savoring Shades of Hegelian Ontological Consciousness in American Poems during the Self-imposed Quarantine, The ELF Annual Research Journal, Volume 23, Issue 1.
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