his paper aims to conduct a deconstructionist analysis of Aesthetics of Incompleteness, a collection of Shoaib Bin Hassan’s prose writings. The study delves deep into literary and linguistic intricacies to explore the freeplay of meanings, and to reveal how signifieds are in a constant state of flux. The objective of this research is to explore the arbitrary relationship between signifiers and signifieds. For this purpose, Hassan’s creative employment of language is specifically brought into discussion.As this paper emphasizes the freeplay of meanings and rejects the idea of the fixity of signifieds, it employs Deconstruction and Poststructualism as the theoretical frameworks to deny structuralist metanarratives. The research is based on deconstructionist theory of Derrida, and poststructuralist ideas of Barthes, Barry, and Leitch. Analyzed in the light of their philosophy, this paper contends that postmodern Anglophone literature defies the grand narrative of fixed meanings, and offers an alternative perspective of textual analysis. This study brings insight for further research on Pakistani Anglophone literature to explore innovation in the dynamics of signification offered by postmodern writers

Rija Ahsan, , Sarah Ishfaq. (2018) Dynamics of Signification: A Study of the Freeplay of Signifieds in Pakistani Anglophone Essay, The ELF Annual Research Journal, Volume 20, Issue 1.
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